You are, of course, entitled to your opinion Winterfox. It was my first piece of fiction - I just had the slightly dubious luck of getting it published - so it was never going to please everyone. Not even the best selling novels do that.

You asked about the conditions of writing it…well to start with it was originally going to be 10k in word length and would have started with Damian entering the Academy. Swen, Bron and I decided on a very rough outline of the plot at that point. Basically Damian goes here, sees X, Y and X, does this, this and this. You get the idea. It was then increased to 20k and ended up being about 21.5k. Despite the extra work, I was glad for the extension because it gave me the opportunity to fill in all the backstory for myself and invent my own aspects, such as the origins of riftrunning and the role of the gods.

It was written in quite a short time I’d say about 3, maybe 4, weeks on and off in the end, not ideal, but I ended up doing much more work on the script then was originally expected.

Anyway thanks for your comments.
