Well reading all this, I felt very attracted to express what I feel not only for the novella but for books generaly. INMHO books are magic things. You buy them, you start to read them and then all of the sudden you leave this world and get transferred to an other world. A world that it is created by an other person who is totaly unknown to you and yet that person manages to travell you, make you cry or laugh, get angry or sad. So I am totally oposite to the book critics. Because reading a book is something very personal. And like a book or not depends on many things. The emotional status the reader is in the period he is reading the book, the place and the situations he is reading it, the cause he is reading the book (educational or just for fun) and many many other. So I may read a book being in a certain condition at that time and simply love it or hate it. And that is something no critic can tell me about. Only myself. Because there are stories in this world made by people who perhaps have gone through the same things I did. And this is something only me and the author will know about it. And personally hate the critics who write in magazines or the previews/reviews writen on the net about books. Books = a relation ship. A short one. With the characters in the book and the author himself.
So in the case of the novella, I loved it. Why? Because I work too many hours and I have all these phone calls and people all around me the most of the day. And when I get home I need to have some quiet time. And the novella travelled me from my sofa to a nice quiet place. Simple as that. Personally I wouldn´t care if it did/did not fit with
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/div.gif" alt="" />. It was a story that made me see green forests and small cabins in the woods and horses etc. instead of the oposite block of flats in my apartment. And that was enough for me. And for this I thank the author.

I am sorry I am expressing things in short of simple way but you are all aware about my English.

You can have my absence of faith
you can have my everything...