I usually write ... I want to tell a story, an interesting one,if possible.

Yes, it's kind of an invitation : Take part in my world, in the world I created, if you feel attracted by it, good, but I generally don't bother much about it if not.

Usually, I write for myself, therefore I don't care much about what people think. Putting my stories online (like the Adorant) is kind of a free service : You can read it if you wish to do so, but initially it's written only for myself, so I don't care much about critics.

However, I have an open ear if someone explains to me (mostly with examples) how to write better.

I generally don't like "high literature", because I often have the feeling as if these people (writers) feel superior to others - which may be fuelled by their critics. No-one builds a museum for unknown artists, but only for "arrived artists", so to say.

Additionally I don't want my own writing-style top be spoiled by the style of others, partly because people often say that "high literature" is so superior to everything else that writers should adopt that. Goethe is like a big, massive tree; but alas young plants cannot grow under the shadow of big, massive trees. I'm more for diversity.

I want to have fun with writing, that's why I write mostly, and I want to tell a story - for those who want to listen (who lend me their ear <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> ) . I want to enhance people's lives by showing them things they wouldn't know if I wasn't there, because of the unique style I write in - which is true for every writer : Any writer develops his or her unique style of writing - and that makes Art.

I think that's my point so far.


When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch