plow, DATD is correct about martin's books.
the series starts with 'a game of thrones'. i'm a very harsh critic when it comes to the fantasy genre (i think jordan is okay, eddings worse and brooks just plain sucks), few succeed in my opinion, but martin is one that does. excellent work.

One of the few books where you have no idea what might happen next or how it may end, without the mumbling of Robert Jordan (no offence, Jordan fans), the flat characters of Tolkien (no offence, Tolkien fans) and the strange cliches/rip off of Goodkind (no offence, Goodkind fans).

About Goodkind: I sometimes argue with my father about those books. I say the story is full of cliches. He replies that the story's not important unlike the quotes, specific paragraphs and backgrounds. He did like George Martin and agreed that both the plot and the character developement was remarquable. He even was surprised a couple of times, which happens once in a lifetime.