by you probably mean, no?

Everything you just said, Winterfox, applies to art in general: all mediums, especially imagery.
For someone, a crude line and three dots on a blue background is art. To me, it's just some guy who made a picture in 5 minutes and spend the rest of the day convincing everyone arround him that it's a 'chez d'oeuvre'.
Like this joke I remember for 4 years already:
"A rich man goes see a popular modern painter. He enters the room and sees the painter working on his arts. "Why," asks the man, "are all your paintings looking so weird?". - "Because that's how I see," answered the egoisting artist.
- "Then why don't you wear glasses?"

Writing in general is an art, but 4/5 of every specific piece of text isn't. Even if it is, it doesn't mean that Art isn't to be subjected to comments.
Of course, many (if not most) artists want praise, otherwise they wouldn't display anything. Many of them think their work is perfect. In their eyes, it is, at least for the first moment. I'll admit thay myself, I become discouraged when I get too much negative comments but I know that if such is the case, my drawing must REALLY suck. Also, critic is the only possible way to improuvement. I always ask for honest opinion yet often I do not get one.
The people you described are your typical sad wannabees. I believe that you have read quite curious little stories on that site, such as eye-watering [pseudp]romantic stories or some epic nonsence...
One thing I don't understand.
If your text/picture/song is simply godawful, there'll be at LEAST one good comment about it. The question is: is this comment from someone who trully likes it or he is just being mercyful?