Critic is usefull IMHO only for the author for improvement. (And not always). Not for the readers. Recomending a book or not = IMHO always, is a big responsibility.

I'm actually kind of embarassed to find this here.

Recommendations and crtic for readers is a difficult sword, because of the individual taste.

One person can be say "this is the best I've ever read !", while the next one is simply bored by the same text. That's difficult.

And yes, a huge part of writing is simply crafting, nothing to do with talent. But talent, skill can enhance things very much.

I write for my self ; and when I put it online, yes, I'd like to have feedback, but not necessarily. Why should I ?
I usually prefer a kind of "hit & run"-technique : Put it online and disappear again, so that I leave the people with my text alone. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> And then I need not worry about bad critics as well. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />

If I write for my self, I'm not dependent on what people say; my ego is then rather independent from the critics. I think this is a plus.

What feedback I can always use is how to enhance my writing to make better texts. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

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