I'bve had one very strange incident which I still cannot understand.

It was during my training and we (or class) had to prepare and perform a presentation.

I did mine, and received critics.

However, what I still don't understand - and tht has nothing to do with "skin" or not - was my reaction towards that. I feeled that I had failed.

The only expression I've comme across in the internet to describe what I did is "to freak out". ..."

I can deal with critics, okay, but I still cannot say what might be triggered within me when I read them.

That's my story.


Alrik, I've had a similar reaction while I was at a speaking engagement. I completely and totally 'locked' up when someone asked a question and I 'blanked' out on the answer. I felt like everything up to that point in my life that I had done was complete and utter junk and because I froze, that proved that I was a failure and somehow a fraud. I was able to get through the moment by making a joke out of it, but it really left a mark on me.

I think that happens to a lot of people so whatever you do, don't jump off any bridge. You're not alone. I belong to a writer's group. Two of the members are well-known authors of 'how to' books. One of them had a similar experience to yours. She said she was afraid that maybe everything she's ever written was wrong and somehow she was a big phoney. Turns out one of her biggest fears in life is that she's a fraud. I could relate to her fear because that's how I felt standing in front of a room full of people and I drew a complete blank.

Maybe that has something to do with your reaction. I found it comforting in an odd way to know that this woman felt that vulnerable even though she puts hours of research into every one of her books. It comes with the territory.

Faralas <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" />