Lews: the complete original Dune series consists of five books -- I haven't read any of the prequel by his son, due to being told that they aren't worth the read. Anyway, the five books are (in this order) Dune, Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, God Emperor of Dune, Heretics of Dune and Chapterhouse of Dune.

Ever woke up at 3am with either the greatest idea ever, or the solution to that frustrating sentence that just won't hang together, determined not to forget it, if only you could force yourself to get up and write it down? Do you ever write it down, or do you ever remember it all when you next wake up? I once, blindly, wrote something down, but for the life of me, it didn't make any sense when I tried to read it later. That's another joy of writing.

I can be quite extreme when inspiration strikes me. (Even if, yes, it's just a single sentence to replace that awkward sentence I was brodding over.) I'd actually get up, grab a pen and write it down. (Middle of night, mid-meal, whatever -- it doesn't matter; nothing short of a divine intervention will stop me from jotting something down. *g*) I can usually make sense of it after, though.