Yay, laziness! (Note: personal opinion only. Naturally.)

Best story: Planescape: Torment -- original, refreshing, flat-out amazing and has very few of the common cliches. The setting is also extremely atypical for fantasy.

Best music: Planescape: Torment -- yes, many of the tracks were variations of one music, but they were all very memorable. Icewind Dale's music is also lovely.

Best NPC companion:I hate Minsc with an unholy passion. So, HK-47 for comic value; Morte for comic and character depth value; Dak'kon for depth; Canderous Ordo for a variety of reasons.

Best RPG: Planescape: Torment -- for overall setting, story, and characters.

Best voiceacting: KotOR -- no competition, IMO, so far.

Most buggy and unplayable game ever: toughie. A tie between BD and ToEE.

Most generic RPG: Divine Divinity. Yes, it was fun. But by gods, the sheer generic feel! Nothing's new. Nothing at all. I do believe it's supposed to be intentional, but I have to question the desire to slap as many fantasy cliches onto one game as possible (and without it being a satire, ala Terry Pratchett).

Worst writing: Prince of Qin.

Worst voiceacting: Beyond Divinity. Sorry.

Worst skill system: Beyond Divinity. Nothing comes even remotely close to it.

Most anticipated new game: KotOR2.