Ok very difficult, to decide.
They’re all VERY close to each other
But here are my best laughs:

[color:"orange"]1) @lord malis:[/color]
"Childhood trauma starts here"
[color:"orange"]2) @spick :[/color]
Little girl says.."And you know where you can shove that stick !!,bringing me here!!"
[color:"orange"]3) @Morbo:[/color]
"How did gandolf survive the fall in moria?
He went to a LOTR convention
Was it the one convention TO RULE THEM ALL
[color:"orange"]4) @Handefood:[/color]
"I don't think we're in Middle Earth anymore..."

BUT i will give the next picture to @Spick,
because it was to close to @lord malis's one and everybody must have the opportunity to post a pic!

Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero