Joined: Jun 2004
I'm not paying 45 euro to play a game I can't make a backup for myself from...
Larian: go with SafeDisc (above version 3.15) next time. Most CD burners can't produce working backup copies to disc, which is understandable 'cause of piracy, yet SafeDisc allows me to use a virtual drive so I can protect the original disc.
Divine Divinity was a great game, but I'll buy Sacred instead.
Joined: Apr 2004
First of all, I can have some comprehension for your problem, but there is a thread about that not so far below this post.
Second, well, Larian could do that, that's something for the suggestion forum.
Third and last :
''Divine Divinity was a great game, but I'll buy Sacred instead.''
Divine Divinity also had loads of problems, and I think Sacred is not an exception.
Last edited by Ghaleor; 19/06/04 08:25 AM.
''La religion est a l'esprit ce que les Nazis �taient au juifs''
''Oh God, er is geen God''
''If I would be God, I would give my resignation, so people could stop fighting in my name''
Joined: Nov 2003
geez. i'll defend a legitimate issue (like adraeus's), but what i hear you saying is that you'll pay for and play an inferior game (sacred) just because you can't make a backup copy??? and the game installs and runs fine, yet you won't play it (and pay for it)??? oh my. why the hell do you need a backup copy? yeah, i know they're nice - heck, i have a laptop and would love to NOT have to take the disc with me...but try using the CD as it was intended and not as a frisbee - they last a long time! geez, i've had music CDs, some for 13 years with TONS of play, and they still sound great. just try taking care of your stuff. my guess is, you'll recieve no sympathy here. let 'er rip boys......
Joined: May 2003
Joined: Jun 2003
Hello and welcome janderakker. Thanks for telling us that you are not buying Beyond Divinity. We could've died without knowing that. Also I thank you from every forum member for telling us you will buy Sacred. I think it is importan in every gentleman's life to know that jandeakker is buying Sacred. Finally, thank you for adding another wonderful, rational and interesting new thread about the protection. After all, I think we need more than five. Have a nice day.
Joined: Jun 2004
Now I wouldn't go calling Sacred an "inferior game", IMO Sacred is a bit better then BD.
Sacred has copy protection too tho. It's a bigger issue with Sacred tho because the manual tells you you can make a back-up copy (in the EULA) but then has protection preventing it.
Joined: Nov 2003
you're right xaishi, i shouldn't have called sacred inferior. i apologize. actually, i rather enjoyed the game for a while myself. however, for me, any new game that is simply a clone of diablo II (simple hack and slash) is inferior to either of the divinity products...but that is just my view. i find those (type) games to be a lot like the BFs of BD in fact. good for a 'break' in having to concentrate - but not very thought provoking in themselves. sorry if i stepped on any toes with the sacred assessment.
Joined: Jan 2004
I'm not paying 45 euro to play a game I can't make a backup for myself from...
Larian: go with SafeDisc (above version 3.15) next time. Most CD burners can't produce working backup copies to disc, which is understandable 'cause of piracy, yet SafeDisc allows me to use a virtual drive so I can protect the original disc.
Divine Divinity was a great game, but I'll buy Sacred instead.
Fair enough, but I think you'll find that this particular protection will end up on a lot of new games. Especially if it proves difficult to copy. You might be missing out on some great games. Although I'm dead against disc protections, this is by far the worst for resources, and I'll probably miss most games out myself, or get them for the xbox. I'm quite happy to do it though, are you?
Faith is believing in something you know isn't true
Joined: Sep 2003
>Divine Divinity was a great game, but I'll buy Sacred instead.
LOL! Here's something from the Sacred forums:
"Your copy protection = your lost $$ So, can't play this game. It fails copy protection on my main system using the original install disks that I just bought from a retail outlet today.
It installs on my secondary system, and seems to try to run, but that's not the point. I don't want to play on that system, I want to use my main computer."
So Sacred has the same problems...
People just have to realise that all games are copy-protected these days. Of course, cry about it all you want if it makes you feel better, but don't expect much sympathy - we all have to deal with it.
Joined: Aug 2003
What happend to the days were games were protected by a serial that could be found everywhere on then internet. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />
Not in the mood for cheese? That excuse has more holes than a slice this fine Gorgombert!
Joined: Jun 2004
What happend to the days were games were protected by a serial that could be found everywhere on then internet. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" /> The days haven't changed much from then, only difference now is you need to get a cracked exe for the game that bypasses CD protection instead of a serial number. Funny, cuz all this effort is beeing put into stopping pirates, yet the only people it's stopping is legit players who don't want to deal with all that crap. The pirates just get cracks and continue like usual. Another thing, if somebody is trying to get a game illegally, it's because they can't afford to buy it (or have no interest in spending money on it). So even if some miracle came around that could stop pirates, publishers wouldn't be gaining anything. They are just blowing their money on this CD-protection crap that's not doing anything cept give people headaches. Not that I've had any problems with this StarForce thing.. yet. PS: Larian has nothing to do with StarForce being on your CD, this stuff is handled by publishers, AKA "Hip Games". So posting about it here isn't doing anything.
Joined: Jan 2004
What happend to the days were games were protected by a serial that could be found everywhere on then internet. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" /> The days haven't changed much from then, only difference now is you need to get a cracked exe for the game that bypasses CD protection instead of a serial number. Funny, cuz all this effort is beeing put into stopping pirates, yet the only people it's stopping is legit players who don't want to deal with all that crap. The pirates just get cracks and continue like usual. Another thing, if somebody is trying to get a game illegally, it's because they can't afford to buy it (or have no interest in spending money on it). So even if some miracle came around that could stop pirates, publishers wouldn't be gaining anything. They are just blowing their money on this CD-protection crap that's not doing anything cept give people headaches. Yep, spot on. If somebody can only afford one game and they want two, one will get copied. All true. The fact of the matter is: The only person who can't copy a game is a legit user, who has no experience with copying or cracks. These people, and only these people, are the only example of the copy protection doing it's job. And as the copy protection wasn't aimed at them, it's kinda funny <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Faith is believing in something you know isn't true
Joined: Jun 2004
Hmm, if you guys think Sacred is better than Beyond Divinity, then I highly doubt that Beyond Divinity is a good game. Sacred sucked big time compared to Diablo and/or Divine Divinity.
Sure, it has a huge world and cool looking characters, but c'mon, you kill and kill and kill and kill and kill and what do you get? You don't get jack [nocando] for those kills.
And it was possible to make a backup copy of Sacred.
Joined: Jun 2003
Hmm, if you guys think Sacred is better than Beyond Divinity, then I highly doubt that Beyond Divinity is a good game. Sacred sucked big time compared to Diablo and/or Divine Divinity.
Sure, it has a huge world and cool looking characters, but c'mon, you kill and kill and kill and kill and kill and what do you get? You don't get jack [nocando] for those kills.
And it was possible to make a backup copy of Sacred. Actually only a few people said they like Sacred more than BD. Why don't you check for yourself? After all, I say that Arcanum is the all time best computer game yet I do not know anyone who'd agree with me.
Joined: Apr 2003
I too liked Arcanum, but it had a lot of flaws which has kept me from replaying a third time. First you have the pretty plain graphics (which I don't mind too much) but the animations were pretty off as well. However I can live with this
Secondly, the Non-turn based combat was way too fast. Didn't matter that much since I prefer Turn based anyway
Also the game was quite hard in the beginning but got way too easy after mid game. The only way too make it a bit more difficult was to play as a technologist with a gun (which I did the second time I played it).
Hated the golems (or whaterver) that caused your weapons to break.
Also the large city (can't remember the name, It was in the middle of the map. Tarrant or something). Because of the plain graphics it was very difficult to find your way around there.
I do like the story (espacially the settings), most of the voiced characters were interesting.
Joined: Jun 2003
Here's a proof of what I said. So if someone likes Sacred more than BD, it doesn't instantly make this a general rule.
Joined: Mar 2004
As far as buying Sacred instead of Beyond Divinity -- bad move. I have both of the games, and while I like them both, Beyond Divinity is far better. Not getting Beyond Divinity because of the copyright protection on it is a pretty stupid reason not to buy an excellent game.
Joined: Jun 2004
Mate have you even put up with that copy protection it takes BLODDY 3-5 MINUTES!!!!! checking the cd!!!!! This is why I returned it immediately!!!!!! I was so pissed off!!! I purchased Sacred as well but at least there is a nocd patch for it, and is very convenient 80AUD spent well I reckon sacred kicks this games [nocando] cos it is user freindly and gives the vibe that its a game not some copy protection game where you have to beat the EVIL EVIL status bar checking the cd ARGH!!!!
Joined: May 2003
Oh my gosh! 3-5 minutes of your live? No way! I totally understand why you returned it! I mean, sometimes, when your driving, it takes like over 5 minutes to get somewhere, because of traffic lights! Lets never drive again! Its like, so, so, disgusting! Get rid of the game immediatly! HOLY CRAP! 3-5? This is just wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/puppyeyes.gif" alt="" /> I can't believe Larian.
Joined: Jun 2004
If you only have an hour or less to play, 5 mins just to get past the CD check can be a real pain in the butt.