I too liked Arcanum, but it had a lot of flaws which has kept me from replaying a third time.
First you have the pretty plain graphics (which I don't mind too much) but the animations were pretty off as well. However I can live with this

Secondly, the Non-turn based combat was way too fast. Didn't matter that much since I prefer Turn based anyway

Also the game was quite hard in the beginning but got way too easy after mid game. The only way too make it a bit more difficult was to play as a technologist with a gun (which I did the second time I played it).

Hated the golems (or whaterver) that caused your weapons to break.

Also the large city (can't remember the name, It was in the middle of the map. Tarrant or something). Because of the plain graphics it was very difficult to find your way around there.

I do like the story (espacially the settings), most of the voiced characters were interesting.