Thanks for the overwhelming response <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />

I'll try to answer a few people:

@ Lego : gaining sympathy was not the reason for my post, but there seem to be a lot more people who (partially) agree with me;

@ Deathatthedoor : no thanx, just helping you to reach 3000+ responses on this board;

@ His Divine Shadow e.a. : I accept copy protection, but I don't want to spend TIME sending back malfunctioning discs etcetera.

Protections like Starforce or Securom 5(*) and will not be a problem for (semi)professional pirates (e.g. factories in mainland China or Russia) which use similar production equipment as the original disc manufacturer. Game publishing companies are only making backup copies impossible for the average customer.

Greetings...good luck with your favourite teams on Euro 2004!

(*)note: Securom 5 can't be physically copied because the protection is embedded in the spiral track on the disc during the production process, it can however be emulated by measuring sector delays and writing these delays to the TOC of the disc.