I know the feeling. I played through the first act receiving practically no quests, because I'd forgotten to change the dress of my heroin... It made the first act pretty boring.

I think it's a poor decision to make things like this possible: as a designer you go through all the work of creating a huge amount of quests, but you design the game like this that you "risk" a player not to see half of them...? Yeah, it's nice to get a quest you didn't get before when you replay a game, but I'm not a fan of the idea that you're bound to screw up the first time, and have to play the game twice to be able to play it the way it was meant to...

Same thing with the acts: if you want to put in acts, at least "announce" it when a certain action will lead to the next act! Or better: "announce" every action that will lead to losing a number of quests.
With "announcing" I mean, e.g. clear hints in the story/scenery, options in dialogues, things like that.

Mr Kej, Second Member of the Guild of Off-Topic Posters *** Visit Aviorn's Inn, my Divine Divinity fansite ***