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#252401 09/07/04 06:15 AM
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You're right, Lews. The word does make a big diffrence, but it was an honest mistake and it's sorted now, so we can move on.

#252402 09/07/04 06:16 AM
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I was the one in the begining saying it was a honest mistake anyways if you read my posts! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/disagree.gif" alt="" /> uhg, sleepy <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sleepey.gif" alt="" /> gnight hef.

#252403 10/07/04 04:08 PM
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so how do we know if the gm's are accullty going to put dual weapons in?

#252404 10/07/04 10:14 PM
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We don't. But you can ask them!

#252405 13/07/04 09:31 AM
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Honistly i think its a O.K. idea, as for me not realy, well unless your the cloak and dagger type then yes having a dagger in both hands would be nice i guess, but im a magi or a warrior so i realy dont think having two short swords or dagger or whatever would make a big impack on my killing *grins* right now useing a 2h sword or a nice fire ball works grand for me haha

#252406 19/07/04 03:04 AM
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lol well it wus just a thought...

#252407 12/08/04 02:33 PM
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No, if it was very different like DUAL or DUVEL you would know it meant DUAL but duel or dual is different. BIG time, not just spelling and meaning.

Having weapons for dueling, or for fighting each other.


Having 2 weapons.


A beer, IIRC.

Actually I think this is correct, but might not be. Its late, I have a headache, and aren't thinking corectly.

This would be equally interesting...dueling type weapons, which would be nice for mages or duel wielders, a la main gauche or dual rapier (certainly more realistic than trying to use 2 axes or sledgehammers, have you ever tried holding 2 sledgehammers? Good luck with that attack!) But actually the concept of dueling would be interesting...the characters do dislike each other...maybe the DK gets itchy every so often and has a chance to attack your "captured paladin"...So you have to dump skill points in a death knight control/calming skill... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> Or maybe find electric, excuse me, lightning based cattle prods...

I was surprised this was not an option, I assume they didn't have time to do the animations for it. Would be nice though, and open up some new skills sets for survivors.

Beer? I think you are being rather generous in your characterization. Fermented charcoal and absinthe, is more likely <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> No Beer is something like a Liefman's Kriek. All praise the ambrosia, hic!.

-If I were a lemming, I think I would push the lemming in front of me off a cliff, because hey, what's funnier than a falling lemming?
#252408 12/08/04 02:53 PM
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old hand
old hand
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No Beer is something like a Liefman's Kriek.

Listen to this guy! And learn! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kissyou.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Mr Kej, Second Member of the Guild of Off-Topic Posters *** Visit Aviorn's Inn, my Divine Divinity fansite ***
#252409 26/08/04 02:45 PM
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<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/offtopic.gif" alt="" /> For those not native to the english language (like Me) if you type the word in MS Word or most other MS word processor and right click on the word, you can choose they synonyms option and in most cases it will give you a fairly comprehensive idea of what it means ...

Your existence alone, is excuse enough for the creation of the entire universe… Il you my darling Jeanne-Dré 
#252410 27/08/04 07:09 AM
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Beer? I think you are being rather generous in your characterization. Fermented charcoal and absinthe, is more likely No Beer is something like a Liefman's Kriek. All praise the ambrosia, hic!.

As Larian Studios are Belgian, I suggest taking up Duvel as a secret biological weapon in their next game. From my own RL XP with it: stupor, coma, headache and the feeling of wanting to die to end my misery. Two (dual) tiny innocent-looking bottles lead to my Armaggedon.

#252411 27/08/04 05:07 PM
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In that case, i am NOT going to intruduce you to any of the following:
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/offtopic.gif" alt="" />
Zamalek - A native south African Beer (prefered by the natives, not us white europeans... we just DONT have the stoumachs for it).. Its a "live" beer, and they very often leave it for days in the sun.... I am sure people have comitted suicide before just to get rid of the hangover it leaves you with...

Mampoer - I am sure you get this in other countries too but under a different name.. Its a fruit liqueur but distilled to over 80% vol alcohol!!!!! - Also delivers HUGE hangover as early as 3 hours after....

2 tots of that will have any normal person singing the national anthem on the tune of amazing grace, while standing on their heads doing but clenches... (just a graphical idea of HOW drunk you get)

Saki - lots of people will know this.... if you are not used to chinese interrogation methods.... DONT drink this.... take the effects of mampoer, multiply by 129382483924892389428492387482374823 and speed it up by 50 times....
Interestingly enough... I have NEVER had a hangover with this.... and i worked in a chinese place for 3 years.... if the boss says drink, you DRINK...

* But the evil side of me, just wants to see someone on the aftereffects of Zamalek... just ONCE..... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin1.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shhh.gif" alt="" />

Your existence alone, is excuse enough for the creation of the entire universe… Il you my darling Jeanne-Dré 
#252412 28/08/04 12:26 AM
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Those sound like fun! I drink for taste, not for drunk. I'd be interested to see what they taste like. And what's wrong with Saki? That stuff tastes great! You pour a shot of it and heat it up (it's supposed to be drunk hot). Goes down great. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

#252413 28/08/04 04:26 AM
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DUal weapons are useless, Im glad they arent in this game. YOu would have to ambidextrous to fight with two weapons at ocne and still then you would probobly get your [nocando] kicked..

#252414 28/08/04 01:19 PM
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No you dont have to be ambidextrous..... most of the time dual wepons are sharp on the one side, blunt on the other, that way you can use it both as slashing weapons and as shields.....

And since i can fight with 2 katanas (no i am not extremely good with it, but i can kick a monster's but at least.... dont give me 2, but you get MASTERS at it)

The basic trick when fighting with dual weapons, is that one weapon always acts as a shield, while the other attacks..... the nice thing is it takes you a slit second to "change" them... and even then, dont think your "left" weapon will act the same as the right.... your main hand, slashes, the other hand mostly pokes... its STILL very effective.... but then again, i have seem masters at "play" where you cant see which hand is the main.... so with practice, you DO become ambidextrous with the weapons - not nescesarily with a pen aswell

Your existence alone, is excuse enough for the creation of the entire universe… Il you my darling Jeanne-Dré 
#252415 28/08/04 01:26 PM
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<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/offtopic.gif" alt="" />as for the alcohol that can sin kthe titanic....

Zamalek looks and tastes often (depends on who brewed it - yes its mostly home made), like guiness but no foam....

Mampoer, tastes like the fruit its been made of.... yes its nice.... but its WAYYYYYYY tooo strong for its own good.... what i do love to do with mampoer, is replace the whiskey or brandy in traditional xmas fruit cakes with it.... you have a stronger fruity taste, and the desert leaves you warm and so peaceful that the afternoon nap starts almost automatically....
the main fruits mampoer gets made of, is peach, apricot, maroela (a african fruit similat to a leechy in design (except no spiky shell, a green rubbery shell instead), but vastly nicer in taste), and almost any fruit that you can use in liqueurs (since its roughly the same process - with added heat and distelation)...

Saki i LOVE, but i do get roaring drunk from it.... VERY quick.... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/offtopic.gif" alt="" />

Your existence alone, is excuse enough for the creation of the entire universe… Il you my darling Jeanne-Dré 
#252416 28/08/04 02:20 PM
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Lady of rain I love you but I have to tell you. In reality no where in time has a professional soldier, general or any man of war ever adopted dual weilding as a serious fighting style, and for good reason. To control 2 weapons, even thin ones at the same time is too dificult that even if you were ambidextrous your concentration would be one weapon or the other, so If you were dueling someone with say One Large sword, they would most definitly win, because in reality all sword swing at the same speed beside them huge fantasy ones. I have at my home a large greatsword, Two twim tantos and one Long sword. Now in this isuation Long sword vs Twin swords, the one using the long sword would proboly stand sideways meaning the only place that the Tanto weilder could reach is their arm.

And the longswordsaman would most likely win for that advantage on its own.
Now Greatsword versus Twin swords. One strong verticle Cut. Nowhere to run, nothing to do but die, you would need a Larger weapon or a shield to survive.
And if that twin weilder were to go against someone with a shield, they would have no chance. SO basically a second weapon is like a really crapp sharp shield. I for one dont like to use shields but I understand their usefulness.

I hope I didnt offend you.

#252417 28/08/04 06:21 PM
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Look up Sinavali or siniwalli techqniques.... this is the names commonly used in western countries for twin sword fighting, though you get trained with sticks at first... as to how you spell the japanese phrase for it, i have no idea... the symbol is easier... but i will phone a couple of people i trained with and find out...

Its practiced, tournamented, and used. Old style Samurai fighting.

No you didnt offend me, you just havnt encountered it yet, i saw it a couple of years ago and started training at a japanese fighting school. unfortunately i had to stop due to a broken ankle. so i havnt trained for about 2 years. but i can assure you if you look into the samurai history... its THERE.... by tradition samurai carry 2 swords, similar to the ones here ....

except the samurai swords are curved not straight like the ninja ones.

Your existence alone, is excuse enough for the creation of the entire universe… Il you my darling Jeanne-Dré 
#252418 28/08/04 09:44 PM
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they carried two yeah but didnt use em both at once, Like people do in fantasy land.

#252419 29/08/04 01:43 AM
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you’re only partially correct.

swords most definitely do NOT have the same swing speed. different swords were created to do different things. some were made to slice through armor, some to pierce, some to slash, with quite different weights.
the sword stroke(s) itself seldom killed. and actually, they weren’t meant to. your goal was to leave your enemy to bleed to death.
what you see in modern fencing is what developed from dueling. the re-introduction of the piercing sword. lightweight, fast, short(er).
these swords are very, very fast and move in what’s often referred to as ‘double-time’ (2 moves per 2 beats, as in parry/riposte versus the ‘older’ way - thrust, recover). however, i wouldn’t want to rely on one of these in a large fight with heavier swords – it wouldn’t last.
the term double-time also refers to the use of two fast swords, sword and dagger or sword and poniard. absolutely there have been times in history when two weapons were wielded at the same time. if you have a fast sword (capable of double-time) along with a poniard (for example), i can entangle, deflect or parry your cut/thrust while moving in with the poniard and impaling you. Double-time = my two moves to your one (as your heavier and/or longer weapon moves in single-time, meaning slowly).
you would probably not see two weapons being used simultaneously against a fast double-time attack now, as (for example) a single epee is already moving in double-time.

i certainly can’t speak for everyone and every style, but I’ve fenced (primarily sabre) for 34 years and taken a martial art for 23 (karatedo). And i can tell you that in neither art do we truly present a sideways target – though competition fencing is more sideways, depending upon the sword – but that is not real fighting.
it’s much more like kata in martial arts – a dance of movements designed to teach technique and form, not actual fighting.
in order to utilize both of the sabre’s cutting edges (the entire ‘front’ of the blade and the ‘top back half’ of the blade) i must be in a more squared position.
imagine, if you will, being right handed (thus sword on left hip), standing sideways, attempting to draw forth the blade AND cut in the same motion (an object directly in front of you). cannot be done with much force or accuracy, or without ‘opening' your right shoulder (while the blade sails wide) and destabilizing your balance.
now. imagine standing only slightly right leg forward but more or less straight up (facing). pull at the hilt and give a quick rotation of wrist – thus slicing with the back half edge of the sword (you’ll end up as though you’re holding a frying pan). see? speed, strength, deadly accuracy. and you’ve maintained a defensive posture and balance.
mostly (in ‘real’ fighting), you would actually only move sideways in response to an attack by your enemy. by standing straight up, i allow myself to slice in eight directions.

hope this makes sense.

#252420 29/08/04 02:02 AM
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No crap a rapier is much much faster, But in the age of rapiers that is all that was used... But if you have soneone with a Bekatowa or other plain old long sword and someone else with a claymore they will swing almost exactly the same.

BTW modern fencing is so retarted them stupid bendy things are unable to kill a kitty cat lol.

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