There must have been something extremely bad about using dual weapons or why hasnt the European nations ever had used them? If they were as great as some of you think then one of the Ancient european superpowers would have used them.
What was so bad about them was they were hard to train a large amount of people to use them. The levy wouldn't have touched them, new recruits would have barely been able to manage just one sword. Also one sword was expensive enough, having to equip a whole army with two swords would have been too costly for a large army made of more or less arrow fodder.
But if someone was able to use them effectively in the chaos of battle they would have. I've read about instances where someone with two short swords was able to use them so effectively in battle that every swing parried and riposted the blades around him. Granted this is probably greatly exagerated.
The celtic(which once controled all of europe, not just the british isle, during the La Tene period)/barbarian tribes of Europe such as the visigoths were considered barbarians, yet they were able to sac rome. They did not use the roman military system. They would have had sword shield, a two handed weapon, or two weapons. Mostly depending on PERSONAL preference.
A modern day example could be seen as people who use two guns at once. It's doable, I know of police officers who have done some sticky situations, others in the military who if force to resort to a hand gun would prefer two. But why doesn't the military do it? Training and Cost.
Two handed weapons offer almost just about as much defense as two swords. Two swords you are at a disadvantage at a distance but good up close. A two handed weapon you are at a disadvantage up close but great at a distance. Sword and board gives you a great defensive tool but can be cumberson. It's all personal preference.
I think what this arguement really boils down to is personal preference. You have stated that you prefer to fight with a single long sword. That's your style, that's what works for you. It does not mean that dual wielding is ineffective, stupid, or never used. It just means that it is not used by you. I've been trained in two short swords, sword and dagger, and two daggers in a couple of different martial arts. It works wonderfully for me, and I have used it both in a training setting, a duel setting, and a massive conflict setting. And in beyond divinity there are one on one, two on one, and massive gangs against one situations. I find the battles closer to D&D mini hord type battle than a military campaign.
p.s. Doesn't god grant some of his followers powers that could be seen as magical? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />