This one is as weird as are so many in this Game:
Corinna tells you the three things she Needs: Book (from Penumbra); A Branch from the Talking Tree in DarkForest and a *Special* ( Exquisite Wine) from the Wine merchant. I then ask-"you mean I will have to go allway to DF to get branch?" She replies " No,not at all. Many Mechants go there and come back with one-just look aaround for a Merchant that has been there recently and see if he has one" OK--I find Mpenzak at His cart And the dialogue opens and he has been to the DF recently and YES,He has a branch ---which I buy for 500gold. I get all three items and go back to Corinna. She Drinks the Wine-I accuse her of Deceiving me-she says --"NO,the Wine is for me I don't need it for the summoning--but I do need a flower that is in My garden"-tells me go get it and meet her in summoning room --which I do. Anyway-after 4 times and Demon killing her everytime I decide to see what she is putting in the circle--so just as she is walking away from doing that I Move over and see that all she has in there is the Branch and the Book--thats all. not three items just TWO. Also I was told that ONLY Corinna could read that Book--well I could Read it--it was just a Picture like at least half dozen books just like it that I had found and discarded Previously. And,NO,I got he Branch from Mpenzak BEFORE his cart was burned and the ine from Athrabert BEfore He was Jailed. Now, IF it turns out that I really Needed to go to the DF Myself and get a Branch then I say this is
absolutely ridiculous that the larian Team would do this sort of thing--I don't intend to Revert back to a Save that far back just to complete a stupid and Unecessary Quest anyway!