My thoughts, for what they're worth:

I expect we are all thinking of Fafnir now, and of the pain he is suffering.... Certainly "being here" for him is important, and he knows that we are; he's posted to tell us this, and to tell us he needs his time alone to grieve.

Somewhere down the road, our memories of Kyra may be a pleasing remembrance for Fafnir, but right now...? I have no desire to burden him with my sadness, while he is trying to cope with the reality of his loss and is struggling with an infinitely greater sadness of his own.

But this is only my personal reaction, and I do not possess any wisdom and cannot pretend to know what is best. We are all different in our sensibilities and in the end must each be guided by our own hearts.

I muust say that I agree with Rincewid here ......
Absolutely, after all, the words in these threads should say it all...
and they will be here forever..... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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