Allow me, as one of the elder members of this forum, to give my opinion. I have to say I didn't read everything, since it's quite a lot <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />
But I remember coming on this board, which had a great atmosphere.
I'm sure many of you don't even know or remember it, but a long time ago, this forum got a new layout, that was just after I joined.
Seth had been a respected member for a long time then.
I don't see why he would have changed so much, aren't we overexxagerating a little bit?
When I peeked back on this forum after being away for a long time, seeing many old friends were still around.. He was the ONLY one who pmmed me, asked how I was doing and made me feel welcome again.
I did not feel anything bad or 'evil' coming from him.
And if someone wants to leave the forum, like seth said he had done.. then it's in my opinion unneccesairy (sp?) to ban him also, don't see the need for that one.
1 other point I have: pmming and chatting is completely PRIVATE. I would be really upset if someone would start to post their conversations with me on the net. Or our pms.
It's a circle of trust which you break when you do that.
No matter what seth said in his msn conversation with lews, I feel like it shouldn't have been put online!
Just to be clear, I am not taking sides or anything.
I have just been away for a while, to come back and see that 1 of my old friends is totally being, well, vomited over.
I hope you people can understand that no matter what seth did, I feel a bit sorry for him.
I hope this post is not too unclear, I graduated not to long ago and I have been partying almost everyday since then <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/party.gif" alt="" />
Dear jvb
First i want to say that i am very happy to see you back. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/XmasJump.gif" alt="" />
Congratulations for being graduated and don't stop partying cause you deserve it. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/party.gif" alt="" />
I do not answer in the "why did she leave me" thread because i said before that i will not write any post in this topic.
I understand why you have been surprised by this topic.
In this forum Seth is a respected member because he helped a lot of people and he used to be friendly with the males.
The problem is that he was not at all "friendly" with some females.
These women Kiya, Galadriel.... are also great women and we can trust them.
You are not alone, some other people also feel sorry for Seth.
A person is not completely good or completely evil.
We just try to be more good than evil.
I don't agree with the people who say to Lynn : "ban Seth" or "don't ban Seth".
Lynn has to take this decision by herself.
Anything she will decide, we will have to agree with it or to leave the Larian boards.
[color:"orange"]1 other point I have: pmming and chatting is completely PRIVATE. I would be really upset if someone would start to post their conversations with me on the net. Or our pms.[/color]
I completely agree. I had this problem 2 years ago on a french forum and i was more than upset. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" />
@ Jurak and Drag
Thanks a lot for your nice words about the women of the forum. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />