POTATOES! POTATOES! POTATOES![color:"white"]You want potatoes? We've got potatoes! We have boxes of potatoes, sacks of potatoes, pecks of potatoes, bushels of potatoes, pallets of potatoes, and truckloads of potatoes. We even have a taewa of potatoes! Come on down to [/color]
[color:"orange"]Hand[/color][color:"red"]-E-[/color][color:"orange"]Food[/color][color:"white"] and fulfil your desire for potatoes.
Also in stock:
- Potatoe Chipes
- Potatoe Cakes
- Potatoe Pancakes
- Mashe Potatoe
- Potatoe Piniataes
- Vodkae
- Scallape Potatoes
- Potatoe Pizzae
And the all new...
- Potatoe-in-a-Potatoe