Ok, there are a lot of things I have to catch up in here but I have read the last 2 pages of this thread so :

@ Al
your lovely beautiful heart will never stop amazing me. It is so nice to know that I am in yout thoughts (with the fires and everything...). I love you.

@ Drag
Yeap I saw some gigs allright (this year I went to Wave Gotik Treffen fest.) in Germany.

By the way German people and Germany is awesome!!! So kind people, so polite! I simply adored every minute in there. I will go back this May again for Wave Gotik Treffen Fest.

@ Barta
Hope you had a good vacation and got some good rest!

@ Jan
I love ya too. I am sorry about your uncle :-(
Hold on there.....

Guys, I wasn't enjoying life, I was and am trying to learn it! I have met so many people and went to so many places. However I still feel like a baby who knows nothing. :-(
I am making a trip, and an efford to "sieze the day" so that when I die, to be sure that I have lived!
Hope I make some sense here...

As you can see my English didn't get any better. :-(
I also got back with some scars in my heart hoping that at some point I will be healed... (where is my beloved healer?)
I write in this greek forum about music : www.ebm.gr
check it out.
I also did my first dj set in the best gothic club in Athens.
I still smoke like crazy, but I am totaly oposite in drinking.

I still play rpg however I miss the lovely days we played diablo on line all together. I have never played with an other team rpg on line since then.

Um... what else?
I still have a temper (I believe I will never get rid of it!)

These are my news for the moment....
Ask me whatever you want.

I missed you all, and even when I am away I never forget you.

..... and where on earth is Jurak??? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hug.gif" alt="" />

You can have my absence of faith
you can have my everything...