Death sentence: a brilliant and useful idea, and should I be honoured with the position of Lord High Executioner,

As some day it may happen that a victim must be found,
I've got a little list--I've got a little list
Of society offenders who might well be underground,
And who never would be missed--who never would be missed!
There's the pestilential nuisances who criticize our game--
Who never stop to think because they really love to flame.
And those who says the game's at fault for all their system woes,
When conflicts happen all the time, as everybody knows.
Those people who attack the staff, they've really got me p*ssed,
I'm sure they'd not be missed, I've got them on my list.

There's the folks who say the Larians don't give enough support,
And, well, you get the gist... I've got them on my list!
And those who to our helpful words, just give a rude retort --
They'd none of them be missed-- They'd surely not be missed!
The ones who trash the DK's voice, and say they cannot play;
The quibblers and Sacred-fans, who jump into the fray.
There's the idiot who praises in enthusiastic voice,
All RPGs but this one--like they didn't have a choice;
And those irritating spammers, and nay-sayers who persist,
They're right there on the list--I'm sure they'd not be missed.

(with apologies to W. S. Gilbert, and all Gilbert and Sullivan fans)