It has become something of a modern pollutant.

Hm, more pollutant than the ads themselves (neon, pinboards etc) are those wearing/carrying/using these advertised products. Why? Well, you might escape TV, radio, cinemas, town centers etc., but not the people having fallen for the latest ad. At least not those wearing the latest fashion (be it unsuitable for them or not) - using the same colours - asking in the pub for the latest alco-pop - dying their hair in the lastest in-colour - smelling after the hip-hop perfume, deo - using/humming/speaking the latest ad-phrases

So, I'd like to ask you, Kris and your anti-ad-universum => how will you deal with this? An anti-ad-detection machine, closing the door to your little kingdom? Or... hmm... an anti-ad-destruction machine? Maybe similar to the car-wash devices at petrol stations? Or maybe a reverse brain-wash-device?

Yeah, and how will your ad be in this case?

Kiya <very curious>

Still suffering under the last Scoubidou disease <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/puppyeyes.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by kiya; 06/10/04 10:56 AM.