Janggut, this is the most useless topic ever. We have argued abou old pepole and what to do with them, windows vs linux vs Mac, Music, Death sentence and commersials, all good and relevant subjects with both positive and negative things about them (even I, who is againts death sentence can see the positive thing about it). But now you have picked a subject, where we only can argument about one thing. Who isn't true, just to make it even better.
I am the first person to admit that I am an arguementing git, so telling you otherwise would be a lie, and I'm allso the first to admit that I'm not a liar... when it matters that is. I am allso not a hyppocrate, so for me to argue about something that is not true, is quite impossible.
Janggut, I whaited for this subject! I whanted sometghing usefull to argue about, and there is quite a lot of subjects. But from all subjects you could you picked just the subject I can't argue about. Great job. But since I'm so increddiblöy clever I found out how to get around this.
From now on I will argue WITH everybody else about their posts, and by that prove them wrong. And if I fail, I've got lot's of quotes to prove them wrong.


PS I'll start tonight... DS

Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce