my argument will be very short because in a way i have no opinion at all except...
i'm still not convinced it is a matter that may be solved by a law...
as a matter of fact (and that is the argument) it is not in the role of law to allow suicide and help to suicide in any form (and whatever are the reasons this kind of thing still is commiting suicide or help to commit suicide, this is not a moral judgement just a fact and i'm not saying that there is no justified suicide)...
anyway even if the current laws should change (and in some country it begins to change, i think) it won't by any ways make the decision easier... as it is in any case something hard to decide...

edit: actually i will add this:
i have never understood the expression: "right to the death"... for us human mortals death is not a right, it is a fact and it is well known that if we are egals in rights we are not egals in facts... something that can be changed.
this is not a religious argument... as i'm most definitly not even a believer.

Last edited by MASTER_GUROTH; 12/10/04 04:38 PM.

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