I think I'm going to loose this discushion since:

I'm young, you're old. I know what it's like to be young. You know what it's like to be old, AND you remember what it's like to be young. And you've got enought experience to reflect over it. But over to the real subject.

I don't think my generation has the same need to revolt. My parents are from the so called 68 generation (in 1968 youths realized that grownups had been lying to them for years. That's when the proggresive whave started in Sweden. The 68 generation didn't have parents who where rebels. The next generation didn't either so they became rebels. Then the 68 generation got us. Since we don't whant to be like our parents we won't become rebels. This isn't the only explenation, I know that. But it's probably a part of it), so they had allready revolted. So I have no need to do it. And saveing the world: shyure, it would be fun, but I will never get the opportunity, so why bother? And I'm supposed to try new stuff out, but instead I've realized this: whitout a good education I won't get a good job. So I blow ALL my fuse on school (even though I don't know what to do afterwards...). When I grown up? I will probably get a job, a house, some kids etc. And Kiya, you say everything returns, nothing changes, but take a look at the kids in the 1800:th sencury. They the same fashion as we have, right? Well OK things come back, but they cange a little. But in the long run, a little is enought to make a big difference.

Übereil (will come back with some good quotes, but my brother needs the computer DESPERATELY)

Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce