are newspapers still informing people or are they just good to buy for making fires in winter (or playing with the dog if you like it better)???...

My answer to the question would be: YES
(OK - you can't answer an "or" question with yes or no)
Therefor, yes, newspapers CAN inform people - and the choice is the people's as to what kind of news are appealing, interesting or important. And their choice of newspapers reflects that need - in that respect, the newspapers reflect "the market".

The highly, loudly and often claimed "liberty of the press" has been abused ever since newspapers have been invented. On the other hand, indisputably a free press has uncovered real scandals, where the "need to know" went beyond the pure sensationalism. And in that respect, I would hate to loose it.

Such serious journalism is not dying out, I think (hope), but unfortunately, it does not sell in big quantities - but the fault is the readers', society's, if you want. The newspaper market reflects the desire of its readers - and its the readers that would miss it, if anyone would proclaim to ban the yellow press in order to hinder manipulation of the minds.

Could/should this be controlled? I think, that's another topic.

In times of crisis it is of the utmost importance not to lose your head (Marie Antoinette)