Master Guroth vous êtes totalement de mauvaise foi !

Barta, dearest one, i'm very glad you're in for this topic but...

imagine this situation: you ask to one of your student to calcul 2x2 and he begins to speak about the complex numbers then uses a trigonometry theorem and finally found the good result... would you be more happy than with another one making the direct calcul!

Windows is not working because it is not working like it should be. in computer science as in many other science we have a very a basic law that is Occam's razor! why is Windows making such a mess with absolutly useless background tasks? i'm not even speaking about computer science having very few to do with clicking on icons... old unix is absolutly not user-friendly but at least it works!

i don't buy microsoft produces: i have some advantages (or more exactly here disavantadges) linked to my professional function...
i thought Word was a microsoft produce... i'm sorry to say it but it's not the best text editor i've seen...

historically what i said was maybe a bit schematic but not false...

and other interventions this topic proves even if not willingly there is a microsoft monopoly... at least for personnal computers!

MG!!! The most infamous member these forums have ever got!