oh, hell, who cares! So long as somebody makes a platform we can run our games on.

I'm with Kris on this one...

And one thing I hate is hearing about how we should all be using Linux or unix or whatever it's called cos it's 'better'...

I was in a book shop a few months ago looking at the computer mags..the pc gaming computer mags when this stranger, who I can only describe as a cross between comic book guy from the simpsons and bill gates younger fatter brother, waddles over to me and starts blathering on about how great linux is compared to windows and how secure it is and how this port and that port on windows allows hackers to get in and it wont happen on linux cos it's great and doesn't use that system of ports and how......SHUT UP!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />

So I flicked through a mag, stopped at some really good looking game screen shots, showed him, and then walked away...and he followed me...to the cash desk..."but linux allows everyone to combine..."
I got out of the shop and he came to the door...with some weird forlorn look on his face. What a nut....long live windows...at least it allows me to work, play, and only crashes when I push it too hard!

On the point of monopoly of mircosoft...yeah but the alternative sucks more than MS ever could...