
So I guess we can conclude enjoyment is a matter of opinion and is subjective to personal experience.

enjoyment... certainly it is entirely subjective... this is the reason i'm not thinking enjoyment should be an argument for this topic as enjoyment can't be an argument (that was the reason for what i did not employ it as an argument)...

Well I agree to a point. However, shield proficiency could be a broad-ranged skill to cover its use with one-handed weapons. The romans could use tower shields with Pilums (spears) and short swords for example. Its still realistic and cuts out the need for all the wasted skillpoints used in specialising in 2 weapons.

yes but i think the romans had a separate training for using the same shield with pilums and short swords... so it might be quite logical to spend some additional skillpoints there (not so a waste)


It is a personal opinion. IMO the cutscene movies were very good in D2 and they laid down a story. I thought it told the tale well.

the cutscene movies were coherent yes... there were a story told by the cutscenes movies yes... but what was the incidence of this story about the game... very little, indeed.

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