Kiya, I think you answered the wrong thing... Basicly because those stupid Englishspeaking idionts have one word for two things...

Anyway, you speak about happiness as a fleeing and not sable thing. You're right more or less, but this makes me feel as if you're talking about being happy (glad, froh) and I didn't mean that, I meant being happy (lycklig, glücklig). The first thing (being froh)is not very stable, and it's not very long lasting either. Being glücklig is pretty lasting though... It comes and goes, but it's pretty stable. How do you reach that? And what are the criterias? Being happy (as I meant it) is pretty feeilng happiness more or less all the time. And even though it IS pretty individuall we're supposed to put up some general map (since pepole, no matter how different they are allmost allways have SOME thing in common. You would rather be healthy and rich that ill and poor, wouldn't you?)


Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce