Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems more like hidden between MG’s lines he’s really asking a personal question over and over again.

Okay, let’s assume an individual has everything they ever desired.
They have what is considered great physical and mental health.
They have a loving family and they don’t desire anything else.

The problem is they are BORED.
Everything they do bores them.
And they are not one of those who just sit around doing nothing.
They are active and they force themselves to be active.
They try new and exciting things.

Let’s just say they DO everything that our world, as we now know it, has taught us to do to eventually gain happiness.

But, everything and I mean everything is totally BORING to them.
They are like Spock on Star Trek.
They have no feeling inside of them.
They are unemotional not because they are unhappy, they just are never truly happy.
And the only happiness they ever have is through other people’s happiness.
The happiness is never their own and no one has noticed that they feel this way; because, they have learned to pantomime happiness so well.

How does one like that ever see happiness when their emotions are like Spock?
They feel totally devoid of emotion making happiness an impossibility AND they have seen doctors and mental drugs do nothing for them.

What then?

That is the hidden question I see in MG’s comments.

Again, What then if all of the above holds true?


Thoughts from Kyra_Ny

Last edited by Kyra_Ny; 12/11/04 07:48 PM.