The following is an excerpt from a BBC article.


When a goal was scored by the African forward from Nigeria, Uwanna Recitum,the referee reportedly pointed to the captain of the European team and said, "You're up."

"I didn't start no riot. And what the man say was, "Europe, you're up."
Uwanna Recitum


"Actually I didn't say anything. I merely pointed at Dewey, the captain of the European team to indicate the ball was now his. This whole aphorism thing has gotten out of hand. And those bloody hooligans should never have been admitted to the game. They're always trouble!"
Howie Dewitt, British soccer referee

Folks, I just got this response in my email and I'm passing it along to you. Its a good thing too, because currently there's not much else going on in this thread.

The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?
~Jeremy Bentham