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The Pun--the lowest form of humor or the foundation of all humor?

I never found the pun fun but I'm not going to cop out, handcuffing myself by claiming neither/xor, and while I would prefer to avoid contracting any paronomasiacic rash, I nonetheless have to post this in a hurry.

As a sample of what were-discussing, (that is, turning into a discussion), here:
If you leave alphabet soup on the stove and go out, it could spell disaster.

A common punny line that leaves a bad taste in the mouth, the humour, like bad air, if often constrained to a particular region, preferrably one I nether have to visit. In this case, the English language and some complex turns of phase, and therefore shouldn't alternately be seen as either, but certainly not the base for all humours, despite lacking the delightfully acidic bite of true humor IMO (sarcasm), but that is just my opinion, in fact, the pun simply is language specific, and therefour no matter how many we actually serve as examples, it cannot be the foundation.

That criterion must fall to that humor which is available to the largest number regardless of their respective lack of culture, to wit, all of us and moire, simple visual jokes, a la the three stooges, physical comedy, is most accessible to the greatest number.

Ergo I would argue that seeing someone slip on a banana, rather than earing the squish and airing humorous disagreements, is necessarily the foundation, as the founding example of all kinds of humor, the unexpected, rather than the more advanced tumor, the "lowest form", a prehumorous condition. (the scale must exist before we can see the horrible injustice of the pun, (please - I know you were waiting for that one))

Which means of the twain you've forced us to claim, I would own that puns are the lowest of the low, and the key to the argument I think, but not the very root of humor, if you buy this argument, as I am growing to in deed.

If I am crowned pun-king, my first act will be to die my hare red, move the dead rabbit to the garden, pay the guard for his service, drink tea from it, spit the T back in the alphabet soup, light a fire to reheat the soup, take the illuminated letters and post a new topic boldly.

Last edited by Lowkey; 16/11/04 09:45 PM.

-If I were a lemming, I think I would push the lemming in front of me off a cliff, because hey, what's funnier than a falling lemming?