Cleg, I will gladly follow your invitation - as I have a tummy ache when it comes to abortion.
It is my understanding that in many cases it actually is the man who pushes the woman to have an abortion; she is the one who will carry the scars. Where is the woman's right to choose?

there are many reasons for a female to abort - and the one you mentioned is very sad indeed. but I know females in Germany who decided to have their baby in spite of the man not wanting it. And they were able to raise it by help of the social policy here and their families. As the birth and raising were solely on her shoulders, they were in dire need for aid for this decision. And here I see the chance => if a female wishes to have the baby, she needs support. If a female wishes to abort, she needs support as well. So, maybe I should rephrase to this => conditions in the society should be an aidful one: respect the female's intent and support her either way. But I couldn't use this argument, as you wanted us to see the East Indian conditions, right?

The only manner in which abortion can be justified as a woman's right to choose is if the fetus is not considered to be a child, a human being. Clearly if the fetus is truly a human being then abortion is the equivalent of killing or murder

We're allowed to abort until the 40th day IIRC (Germany) - and this conglomeration of cells at that early state is not a baby/full being in my opinion. But I do understand it if others say, it is. Therefore I do think, that a female is in a terrible inner state by deciding what to do.

If abortion is considered to be an acceptable means of family planning, well, isn't female feticide a form of family planning, as reprehensible as it may be?

I can't see it as an acceptable means - as family planning can start far far earlier by a better health info policy. And if family planning is seen as => only male babies are desireable => no, my tummy revolts. I wish for a society where abortion is seen as the last resort not as a "normal" way to plan a family. I wish, I could express it better. Do you know what I mean? And I wish for a society where the "last resort" is then respected, as the female has to bear the "output", sole responsibility for the child, finances etc. as she is the one "who bears the scars" in either way. If I define "scars" as marks for a life (important stepping stones).

Some women will choose to abort a child for economic reasons.

Yes, and if this is the only reason for her to abort, society is questioned again to show her: "Look, if you think, you can't afford the baby - here is the help you can get (financial, social help). Do you think, you feel the courage now? You're not alone." And if she still says no - then the main reason lies somewhere else. It is her life at the moment - she has to see the variations/possibilities - and she has to decide.

Cleg, how many females do you know personally who aborted? And what were her reasons? I'm curious.

Last edited by kiya; 25/11/04 09:11 AM.