Glad to hear that there are other players out there. My character is into the 2nd chapter roughly level 8. He is presently a pure fighter. Does anyone suggest a possible change or add on to a pure fighter?

if you're playing the oc only, you should have made him fighter (4)/ barb (x). 4 levels of fighter for weapon speciaization;rest in barb for massive hit points and the ability to rage. taking a pure fighter is less than ideal since the only advantage you'll get is plenty of feats, of which only a few are vital. that's why you'll often see d&d players take fighter (4)/other class (x), since the fighter is great for a minor multi-class w/ almost any other class. but seeing that you already took 8 lvls of fighter, you can take barb levels henceforth. i just hope you didn't take a lawful alignment.

if you want to take your character into the expansions, fighter/wm is ideal. you'll dispatch crowds of monsters via criticals & whirlwind attack. womble has mentioned that more important boss monsters are immune to criticals; in that case, you have to rely on other means of bringing them down. regardless, the wm is still an overpowering class on its own.

i played the oc with a dwarven fighter (4)/barb (x). took grimgnaw as my henchman. together they made short work of their opponents. i also played a pure human monk and got linu as my henchwoman. hehe, monks are evil, purely evil at high levels. you get a buttload of feats for free. absolutely nothing can bring down a high lvl monk in the oc. they are a powerful class; only drawback is that they are relatively weaker in the first few levels. but it's definitely worth playing them for the long haul.

"what we see with our eyes alone isn't necessarily the truth..." - final fantasy tactics