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#270954 22/10/04 08:37 AM
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I had a look at what you probably are. That looks fine to turn Barbarian. I noticed that when you select feats, the first one the game will recommend for a Barbarian is Weapon Focus (Greataxe). You already have Weapon Focus (Longsword). Having Weapon Focus in two melee weapons is a bit of a waste, so you'll have to start selecting feats yourself. I recommend feats like Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack (all good if you move about in combat), Improved Critical (damage goodness <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/delight.gif" alt="" /> ), Knockdown (good versus magic users), and Power Attack (good against easy to hit foes and solid objects).

And yes, you do gain ther best of both worlds. You'll have full armour and shield proficiency.

By the way, unless you are Human, Dwarf or Half-Orc, you will level more slowly when you start multi-classing this way.

#270955 22/10/04 09:08 AM
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My character is level 5 fighter and thus far i have accepted the "recommend" settings, so his stats are whatever they should be, but i'll have a butchers later and let ye know.
One thing reading thru all yours advice that worried me about the Barbarian is he can't have heavy armour?..but my fighter can?..does this mean because he is multi-class that he can have the best of both worlds or some of one and some of the other?..but not all? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" />
P.S. I hope i don't level up this morning 'cos i don't know what to do!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" />

as handefood has said,the fighter is proficient in all weapons & armor,so ta-dahh!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> even if you multi into a barb, you can still wear heavy plate. but if your dex modifier is high enough,you needn't worry too much about that. if you've put a couple or more pts in dex at character creation, that will help your reflex saves & your AC.

level 5. i suppose you're about to finish chapter 1.


if you haven't finished chap. 1 yet,don't miss out on a very important quest in helm's deep. you will gain a very powerful (at this stage) ring,if i'm not mistaken , that will serve you well until the very later stages of the game. that is, if you choose carefully. as always, make a quicksave before entering into a conversation,so you can backtrack if you chose wrongly in the dialogue options.

have fun gaming!

"what we see with our eyes alone isn't necessarily the truth..." - final fantasy tactics
#270956 22/10/04 11:40 AM
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Im half way thru the Docks and that'll leave just the Blacklake District to do as far as i can see .
Here are my stats as they stand at this time...
Strength 17-3
dex 13-1
Con 16-3
Int 10-0
Wis 10-0
Cha 9-Minus1
What does the 2nd number mean with all these stats?
I have taken on board what you have said and i can go down the road of a Fighter/Barbarian so that is just dandy. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" />

Drink Up Ye Cider.
#270957 22/10/04 01:17 PM
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Im half way thru the Docks and that'll leave just the Blacklake District to do as far as i can see .
Here are my stats as they stand at this time...
Strength 17-3
dex 13-1
Con 16-3
Int 10-0
Wis 10-0
Cha 9-Minus1
What does the 2nd number mean with all these stats?
I have taken on board what you have said and i can go down the road of a Fighter/Barbarian so that is just dandy. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" />

The second number is the actual MODIFIER that is applied from said stat. This is the important number. Your STR for example is good but it should be 18. This will give an extra +1 to hit and damage. i.e. your modifier will be +4 not +3.
Saying that fighters can get away with lower STR as their BAB is very high.
Leave the DEX at 13. Wear full plate mail. You should have no loss in your Barb abilities at all.

Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack

I never notice much of a benefit from these skills at all. You're a STR brute! Take cleave, great cleave, knockdown and improved knockdown as Hande has already stated. You will have LESS feats as a Barb, you should choose carefully.
Personally I would even take 'Iron will' over dodge. Barbs have UNCANNY DODGE anyway! With a better will save Voleron might not chew you up and spit you out. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
#270958 22/10/04 01:18 PM
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Speaking of NWN: Guess what my brother borrowed yesterday!


Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce
#270959 22/10/04 01:52 PM
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what did he borrow ubereil? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

spick,don't neglect to dump as much skill points as you can into discipline everytime you level up. it's a very vital skill for warrior types,the most important i should say.

let me just add to what womble has explained. the modifier is the number which indicates how many pts. you have put into an attribute every two levels after a base number of 10. so for example:

str modifier

10 0
11 0
12 1
13 1
14 2
15 2
16 3
17 3
18 4
19 4
20 5

and so on and so forth...

by the same token, if you have taken some pts off from a certain attribute to dump into something else (called "min-maxing" or sometimes referred to as "powergaming"),which would result into negative values,the table would look as such:


10 0
9 0
8 -1
7 -1
6 -2
5 -2
4 -3
3 -3

the modifier is a very important number because it's the one used by the computer to calculate anything & everything that's affected by the attribute attached to it. for example,if you have a +2 modifier to str,the computer will add 2 to your attack rolls, to your damage, among others,which is good. and you can carry more weight. if you have a negative modifier to str and you're playing a warrior,well, that's very bad. if you have a str of 4, your character can barely carry an arrow and he will stand there while being pummeled to death. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

i'm not aware if such is still the case after the two add-ons,but when i played a character in the nwn oc with an intelligence of 8 (and thus a negative modifier of 2),he began to speak strangely,like "me go now",or "me have some questions to ask of yous", or "me do not understand what you says". <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> intelligence also affects the number of skill pts you get. if you have a +2 to int,then your character will get an extra 2 skill points per level up.

each class is very dependent on a specific attribute or attributes. for example,fighters/barbs should have high str & con,paladins are dependent on str & charisma, monks on str, wis,& dex, clerics & druids on wisdom,sorcs on cha, wizards on int,rogues on dex & int,etc.

you'll learn more about this as you play along. always check your character sheet when you level up so you'll be aware of the changes in your character's abilities.


"what we see with our eyes alone isn't necessarily the truth..." - final fantasy tactics
#270960 22/10/04 09:21 PM
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Great you two <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" />,I'm starting to understand now,and I'm not joking here. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/delight.gif" alt="" />
I can't wait to level up....oooooh i'm getting so excited...serious <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" />

Drink Up Ye Cider.
#270961 23/10/04 12:17 AM
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you're welcome. that's the beauty of rpgaming,the rewarding feeling you get when you level up,plus the possibilities of what to do with your character. you should try playing other classes as well after you're done with this. a cleric is an overppowering class,you can cast powerful offensive & healing spells (heck you can even raise the dead!),summon powerful undead & other creatures, all this while donning the heaviest armor. you don't suffer any arcane failure.

a monk is also a very challenging class to play,since you have to be very judicious with your attributes. and your fists will later turn out to be the most powerful weapons in the game. 1d20!


"what we see with our eyes alone isn't necessarily the truth..." - final fantasy tactics
#270962 23/10/04 05:13 AM
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i saw some sort of NWN combo pack the other day. NWN and both expansions. whitish box art. anybody know if it has any of the user made modules with it? guess i should have read the box. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ouch.gif" alt="" />

#270963 23/10/04 07:53 AM
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I think you are talking about the NEW Platinum edition,It comes with both expansions,don't know about any Mods.....It all comes on one DVD if i am correct.

Drink Up Ye Cider.
#270964 23/10/04 10:14 AM
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thanks spick that's exactly right. i looked it up and it said something about including some 'developer made modules' and you can download the user made ones. i think i might already have the dev made ones, 1 or 2 anyway. the one i saw said 5 cds, so i guess that would be one 1 dvd too.

#270965 25/10/04 12:40 AM
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Back on the alignment thing, I was chatting with Alex last night and had an interesting thought with the hacker analogy:

Hacking is a chaotic action, yet it is being used for a lawful purpose. Can one's actions and values have conflicting allignment?

A paladin can be a surpreme police officer, tracking down and defeating criminals in all directions, earning respect and admiration from the public and peers. Lawful traits for a lawful purpose. But does she understand why they are criminals?

A rogue can be a police officer too. By having a shady past, he can understand why criminals do what they do. He can understand what they see and how they plot. By understanding the enemy, rather than just tracking them down, he can give himself a different advantage. Chaotic traits for a lawful purpose.

Could lawful traits be used for a chaotic purpose?

#270966 25/10/04 02:31 PM
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But by having a shady past the rogue can't be trusted as much as the paladin...

Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo
"Everything I encounter serves as the perfection of wisdom that leads to enlightenment."
#270967 25/10/04 05:11 PM
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Tonites the night for levelling...I can feel it in me bones,Fighter/Barbarian here i come. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />

Drink Up Ye Cider.
#270968 26/10/04 01:18 AM
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spick,if you're still lvl 5,you might want to take fighter still at lvl 6.that is if you feel the need to get additional feats to round up your repertoire. i think a fighter gets two feats at lvl 6, if i'm not mistaken.

"what we see with our eyes alone isn't necessarily the truth..." - final fantasy tactics
#270969 26/10/04 02:08 AM
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Back on the alignment thing, I was chatting with Alex last night and had an interesting thought with the hacker analogy:

Hacking is a chaotic action, yet it is being used for a lawful purpose. Can one's actions and values have conflicting allignment?

A paladin can be a surpreme police officer, tracking down and defeating criminals in all directions, earning respect and admiration from the public and peers. Lawful traits for a lawful purpose. But does she understand why they are criminals?

A rogue can be a police officer too. By having a shady past, he can understand why criminals do what they do. He can understand what they see and how they plot. By understanding the enemy, rather than just tracking them down, he can give himself a different advantage. Chaotic traits for a lawful purpose.

Could lawful traits be used for a chaotic purpose?

intriguing question,for which i can't come up with a definitive answer. but i'll try to explain what little i can think of.

i'll limit myself to the d&d world & crpg's in general, as real life can have many, many iterations. at least in d&d, we can confine ourselves within the framework of such alignments as lawful good,lawful evil,neutral good, chaotic good, chaotic evil, etc., etc., etc.

a paladin is by default a lawful good character, and she detests evil. of course, other characters can be LG as well, but i'm taking the pally as an example as this started because of kiya's pally/thief char. a pally can understand evil, but that doesn't necessarily mean she was once evil or associated with evil creatures. she doesn't need to be; her powers are granted to her by her faith. iirc, in icewind dale ii and temple of elemental evil, the pally can detect or sense evil. and that leads to interesting dialogue options, and often, to fights.

in diablo ii (i know this isn't d&d, but just to broaden the example), the pally is the best fighter against undead creatures. scepter-class weapons,most often used by pallies, deal extra damage to the undead. plus, the pally has several weapons against the undead at her disposal: holy bolt & fist of the heavens. one aura, sanctuary, repulses the undead. as the d2 manual says, pallies are "effective against the undead as they know many holy incantations against these creatures". bottomline, pallies do not have to be the walking dead to understand them.

as for a rogue who becomes a police officer,i think he would be more of a chaotic good character to me. i know he's there for a lawful purpose, but what's to stop him from going over to the dark side again? it's in his character to be, well ummm, "roguish". and that is why i find it hard to reconcile his character to that of a lawful good paladin. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

"what we see with our eyes alone isn't necessarily the truth..." - final fantasy tactics
#270970 26/10/04 03:50 AM
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spick,if you're still lvl 5,you might want to take fighter still at lvl 6.that is if you feel the need to get additional feats to round up your repertoire. i think a fighter gets two feats at lvl 6, if i'm not mistaken.

Correct. Fighters gain a bonus combat feat at level 6. Mind you, you can take the sixth level of fighter at any time to gain that bonus. Perhaps take the level of Barbarian first to gain Rage.

#270971 26/10/04 04:10 AM
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Well i've done just that, i read your posts after levelling up last night to a Fighter(5)Barbarian(1),but i will take advantage of the Fighter level 6 next and then it's all the way with barbarian....or a least i think it is???? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

Drink Up Ye Cider.
#270972 26/10/04 06:17 AM
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a paladin is by default a lawful good character, and she detests evil. of course, other characters can be LG as well, but i'm taking the pally as an example as this started because of kiya's pally/thief char. a pally can understand evil, but that doesn't necessarily mean she was once evil or associated with evil creatures. she doesn't need to be; her powers are granted to her by her faith. iirc, in icewind dale ii and temple of elemental evil, the pally can detect or sense evil. and that leads to interesting dialogue options, and often, to fights.

I see. A paladin has God's grace of being able to detect evil forces. It's very hard to traslate such accurate empaty into real world terms. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> While she can detect evil, does she understand it? I suppose a lot of evil is quite simple: "Ha ha, I killed you!" But what drives evil? What inspires evil?


Do you remember the Red Mage from Shadows of Undrentide? He want's to set up a magic shop in Hilltop. He is classified as an evil being because he supports slave labour. Yet upon speaking with him, he is otherwise a decent person and business man. Upon speaking with his slave, you find that he is happier than he was when he was starving in the desert. Exploiting people is cruel and evil. But he saved them from starvation, so should the paladin judge him harshly?


in diablo ii (i know this isn't d&d, but just to broaden the example), the pally is the best fighter against undead creatures. scepter-class weapons,most often used by pallies, deal extra damage to the undead. plus, the pally has several weapons against the undead at her disposal: holy bolt & fist of the heavens. one aura, sanctuary, repulses the undead. as the d2 manual says, pallies are "effective against the undead as they know many holy incantations against these creatures". bottomline, pallies do not have to be the walking dead to understand them.

I see your point. Though there's little to understand in the undead, having minimal mental capacity.

I think there's a different between understanding how to defeat someone, understanding why they need defeating, and understanding why they'd put themselves in such a position in the first place. I believe that a paladin is unlikely to understand the last point. Motives are often complex and come from a lifetime of experience. Often it's not just as simple as money or a cheating lover. Evil comes from deeper within.

as for a rogue who becomes a police officer,i think he would be more of a chaotic good character to me. i know he's there for a lawful purpose, but what's to stop him from going over to the dark side again? it's in his character to be, well ummm, "roguish". and that is why i find it hard to reconcile his character to that of a lawful good paladin. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

True, not much would stop him, except perhaps a watchful paladin. In which case he would still be chaotic; to selfishly look after himself, he must assist the law.

What would stop him is not wanting to go back. If you believe in what you are doing, then why would you leave? A chaotic character probably could join law enforcement and leave just as easily. A chaotic rogue who joins then becomes lawful wouldn't leave, at least not to return to crime.

Aligment is a representation of the actions you would take and your mental state, and not so much the actions you have taken. In D&D, you can shift your alignment throughout time, but any outragous actions, such as a paladin slaying fellow men, will be severely repremanded by the DM. If the paladin had dormant murderous tendancies, I doubt that she would have had the self-discipline to become a paladin in the first place.

#270973 26/10/04 01:14 PM
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If the paladin had dormant murderous tendancies, I doubt that she would have had the self-discipline to become a paladin in the first place.

Aribeth is a living (story-wise) contradiction to this is she not? I actually find her character facinating. The desire for vengance can become strong in all of us. Sometimes it takes one small thread to snap, the last nail in the coffin, so to speak, to turn from LG to LE. Sometimes I think they're closer alignments than first appears.


I see your point. Though there's little to understand in the undead, having minimal mental capacity.

Liches? Vampires?? These creatures are diabolically intelligent! They make some of the most formidable enemies you can fight.

I always wonder why rogues are allowed to take a lawful allignment...

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
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