Anybody here already played the nwn premium module what are available at the bioware online store?
If yes please post some images or make some comments about it, i want to know if it's good enough to pay for it. Cause here what is $8 for you, for me is R$26 just for a module.

I will warn you: A LIVE Internet connection is needed to play even Premium Single Player modules for it copyright protection check. Check this thread out, which discusses this:

Here's more, I asked some questions to the NWN Boards & I got an answer from Derek French of Bioware, clarifying more on the issue for NWN Premium Mods:


Derek French of Bioware:
"Since the term "Copyright" means something specific, it is not appropriate here. This is simply "online authentication" usuing almost the exact same system as the 2 year old Neverwinter Nights CD Keys for multiplayer system."

He says the Internet "online authentication" is done in the following instances for a Premium Mod:
LOADING a saved/quicksaved game
BEGINNING a new game

There is no Internet "online authentication" in the following instances for a Premium Mod:
RESPAWNING in the game

Last edited by MysterD; 12/11/04 01:45 AM.