And one more question. Is tumble a damage dealing feat???? YEsterday I had a situation when my summon died, my mage was out of spells running in circles from one nasty troll. Both of them were almost dead, he tried to hit my mage, mage made successfull tumble attempt and the troll died. Now I thing, what if he had some poison effects on him, maybe, but I doubt he had any.

Nope, tumble is just for AC and avoidance. Maybe the troll was in a rage and it wore off. At low HP that can kill. Been a while since I played so I'm not sure if trolls can rage in NWN or not. Otherwise it sounds a bit odd. Otherwise it sounds like an odd bug.

I always use an elemental shield for such emergencies. Not as good as mestil's acid sheath but pretty cool and available at level 4 spells.

One Rogue level will get you better AC gear, that's all. 4AC from the haste on the robes of the dark moon and 3 maybe from the boots of the sun soul +3.

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin