i just stopped playing for a tad bit and checked their site guess how many awards they won


Official Xbox Magazine - April 2006
Editors' Choice Award
Score: 9.5 out of 10
"Oblivion raises the bar so high that most RPGs would be (and have been) satisfied with a fraction of what's here."

PC Gamer - April 2006
Editors' Choice Award
Score: 95%
"The best compliment I can pay Oblivion is that it achieves far more than I'd even thought possible. It's a superlative RPG."

Jive Magazine - Review New!
Editors' Choice Award
Score: 5 out of 5
"Oblivion is quite possibly the best looking title I have ever had the privilege to experience as a gamer."

IGN - Review
Editors' Choice Award
Score: 9.3 out of 10
"Oblivion not only raises the bar in the visual and audio modules but also in the gameplay and presentation department, making it easily one of the most recommendable titles..."

GameSpot - Xbox 360 Review
Editors' Choice Award
Score: 9.6 out of 10
"This is a rare and remarkable achievement--a huge, open-ended, complex, detailed role-playing game that's fun to play and a pleasure to behold."

GameSpot - PC Review
Editors' Choice Award
Score: 9.3 out of 10
"This may be a role-playing game, but you could play it like a pure action game, or like a stealth game, or like an adventure game, and it'd still be at least as good, if not better, than games that are specialized in these regards."

Worthplaying - Review
Editors' Choice Award
Score: 9.8 out of 10
"Oblivion not only raises the bar in the visual and audio modules but also in the gameplay and presentation department, making it easily one of the most recommendable titles..."

Team Xbox - Award
Editors' Choice Award
Score: 9.5 out of 10
"...as the biggest release of 2006 thus far, is it a potential game of the year candidate? Absolutely."

Gameplay Monthly - Review
Editors' Choice Award
Score: 9.1 out of 10
"Oblivion is a masterpiece of gaming... You don't just play Oblivion, you live it."

Advanced Media Network - Award
AMN Gold Award
Score: 9.3 out of 10
"The wait is finally over and boy was it worth the wait. If you aren't playing this already, you should be. "

Atomic - Review
Hot Award
Score: 9.5 out of 10
"It's a gem of an RPG, an experience of proportions grand and you'd be doing yourself a disservice by not playing it."

Game Critics - Award
Game Critics Awards:
Best Role Playing Game of E3 2005
"In crafting a living, breathing fantasy world to explore, Bethesda seems well on track to eclipse the critical and commercial success of Morrowind."

GameSpot - Award
Best Role Playing Game of E3 2005
"Thanks to its combination of eye-catching graphics and physics, equally impressive artificial intelligence, and improved quest and combat systems, Oblivion stood out as the most impressive role-playing game at the show."

IGN - Award
Best PC RPG of E3 2005
"Sure it looks quite pretty, but what really grabs us about Oblivion is the amazing artificial intelligence, which makes heavy use of dynamic conversation and behavior."

GameSpy - Award
Best of E3 2005 RPG Game of Show
"...Oblivion leapfrogs past 'new' to become one of the few truly 'next-generation' titles at the show."

Xbox Evolved - Award
10 Best Games of E3 2005
"The game will also feature an all-star cast of voices, and so many sidequests, that the sidequests have sidequests!"

Game Chronicles Magazine - Award
Best RPG of Show
Best PC Game of Show
Best Overall Game of Show
Oblivion wins top honors in Game Chronicles Magazines' 2005 E3 Best of Show Awards.

GamingTrend - Award
E3 2005 Best of Show
"No title at E3 impressed as much as Oblivion -- this game is simply unrivaled. Now comes the hardest part...waiting until this holiday season to 'Close shut the jaws of Oblivion'."

Daily Game - Award
Best of Show: Role-Playing Game
"Oblivion’s deep yet approachable gameplay would make even the staunchest FPS fans take note, while its truly next-generation graphics would make them forget all about the visuals in today’s most-popular shooters."

Games Domain - Award
Best Role Playing Game E3 2005
"Morrowind was one of the best RPGs on the original Xbox, and its creators at Bethesda are aiming to make a greater impact on the 360."

RPG Fan - Award
Best Overall Game of E3 2005
"A next-generation graphics engine attached to the classic open-ended gameplay provides Oblivion with what will most likely be "instant-classic" status upon release."

GamersInfo - Award
E3 2005 Editors' Choice Award
"This is shaping up to be the RPG of RPG lovers' dreams. I have simply never seen such a beautiful game. Period."

GameSpot - Award
Most Anticipated Games of 2005
"One look at the screenshots for the game and the scope and ambition behind the project become apparent. And that scope and ambition are tremendous."

BonusStage - Award
Best Actual Next-Generation Game Award
"...once I saw Oblivion running, a face-cracking grin hit me that lasted for a good hour or so. If the game follows Bethesda’s previous Elder Scrolls titles as far as content, look out."

Voodoo Extreme - Award
Top Games of 2006
"As far the The Elder Scrolls Oblivion goes, they not only have an amazing title, but the support to back it up. That's why they are our new number one."

GameSpy - Award
Most Wanted Games of 2006
"From what we've seen, this looks like it'll be among the year's best for PC and console roleplayers alike."

Xbox Evolved - Award New!
Most Anticipated Games of 2006
"There's so much to the latest chapter in the Elder Scrolls series, it's hard to know where to begin but to say that this will be a must-have upon release."

WorthPlaying - Award
Most Anticipated Games of 2005
"When I saw the first screenshots, I couldn't believe my eyes and almost had to pick my jaw off of the floor. Ever since I played my first game in 3D, I had envisioned what it would be like to play in a world where you could go anywhere, touch anything, all with the most realistic graphics possible. Elder Scrolls IV looks to finally fulfill a lifetime of gaming dreams."

Game Freaks 365 - Award
Game Freaks 365 Most Wanted Games, Fall 2005
"This is without a doubt my most anticipated Xbox 360 release title, and I'm looking forward to wasting another 150-200 hours of my life in this series."

IGN PC - E3 2005 Coverage
Most Anticipated Games of E3 2005
"It's just an easy guess that they'll be upping their ante with Oblivion from both a gameplay and graphical standpoint."

IGN Xbox - E3 2005 Coverage
Five Most Anticipated Games of E3 2005
"The early screens of Oblivion gave us the first indication of just how great a leap would be made from this generation to the next one."

This is SpArTa!! oh im sorry, I must have took a wrong turn..somewhere...(runs away)