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Poor Guroth <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/puppyeyes.gif" alt="" /> - so you are suffering as well? I already wrote a complaint to a GM and was told to post my critique in the WoW Forum. I then answered that a lot of German people are complaining but Blizzard so far did not have the courteousy to answer. Well, I'm willing to post my complaint openly - not only because some game styles are killing my game fun but because I believe that the "dishonour system" <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" /> and the raid disease increase unsocial game behaviour.

Yes, I understand you fully about groups - made my partially bad XP as well. And I already made a list for myself to keep clear of some gamers - even if they want me in their group. I DETEST greediness! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" /> I hate it if people dice for items they only want to sell whereas others in the group really need them. If I'm asked to join a group for an area/quest I normally don't dice at all. I hate it, if I'm asked to join and the leader doesn't give me instructions what he wants me to do. Some leaders don't like trap system - others expect SILENTLY from me to pull - it's frustrating. And about my pet => she does a lot of good work, but some gamers don't even think about protecting her with spells. She's far more powerful than I am.

I agree, communiation is not good - though I met some gamers whose playing style is similar to mine, so we agree to ASK each other first instead of dicing silently. It works - but only with some people.

And the thing I reallyreally hate most => high level chars bashing up low level chars. Horde and alliance make no difference! I had trolls helping me in a dangerous area and I helped as well. Or the dueling system => what's the sense in a 40 lvl human paladin (!) bashing up a 19/20 lvl troll? What's the sense of high-level chars raiding a beginner area? Lvl 20 chars have no chance at all. No, raids only cause stress and frustration - and even if Blizzard introduced this system with murder and sieges => there's NO penalty for butchers and slaughterers! I'm playing on a normal server, not PvP.

These gamers only choose to see the enemy - but they aren't automatically. They are gamers playing a char, I wish the individual would be judged/seen instead of this placative and stereotype enemy thinking. And there are some phrases in the general chat where I really blow my top! Some phrases are fashistic and racistic. Gee, if someone plays a paladin, she/he should have honour in their way of playing otherwise they could as well take the char of a donkey, would make no difference IMO <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />

No, this game has a lot of promises, a lot of niches where people can experiment with cooperative game styles - but some are soooooooo primitive! I think, Blizzard should take up their responsibility and help by dividing game styles on seperate servers with banning penalties - so the killers can bash each other up and leave sensible gamers alone. I want them to drown in their created lags <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />


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Ah, Cleg, I don't quite agree with your opinion about fishing and cooking => my point of view

There are fish alchemists need ( so far 2 I know of) for fish oil => nice to sell. Fishing higher animals (lvl 25/35)and having the recipy to cook them requires no further ingredients for cooking and brings the cooking skill up very quickly. I had the max of fishing/cooking at 225 pretty quickly, by just fishing and cooking the fish

The thunderbirds e.g. only eat cheese and fish. So, I provide one hunter with that, so her animal is happy. My cat loves fish/flesh, so I can provide her with a variety of both - cooking fish increases the healing ability they have.

Am waiting now (lvl 39) to become 40, so I can gather the fishing quest and advance to 300.

Besides that => I fish potions, locked chests, weapons, chests with engineering equipment etc.

And... fishing is fun. It relaxes me to stand by the water and find out if there is endemic prey. The funniest lake so far was Cragpoole => fish smeared with oil, rusty bolts etc => pollution.

Everything you say is correct. It is just that fishing takes time and is relatively inactive time. I haven't had the patience for it. Perhaps I will give it a shot after reading your post.

As far as being an ingredient in alchemy recipes, I buy firefin snapper at the AH (auction house). Sometimetimes you can get it cheaply there--I have bought them for as little as 3 silver each. Sometimes of course it is really expensive--20 Silver apiece or more.

I maintain one alt who does nothing but buy and sell at AH. It is a big time saver for my other alts not to have to travel to Orgrimmar all the time. And it can be a huge money maker as well. Auction house strategy

What I'm really starting to dislike highly about WoW is raid disease (spamming in general chat and lags, lags, lags) and the new "honour system". Gets on my nerves. I'm hoping for Blizzard to provide RPG gamers with a server of their own.

I posted this in a thread I began on another forum:
"I do not like PvP and I am not a casual player. I never would have bought WoW if it were not for the fact that I had been led to believe that I would not have to be the victim of PvP on a PvE server. On a PvE server theoretically, if you don't want to engage in PvP you don't have to and your gameplay experience will be unaffected by PvP. We all know that is not true.

1. The opposing faction kills off NPCs which are essential for travel, questing, and the acquisition of skills. This has caused me masive disruption of my gameplay.
2. Battles between opposing factions cause massive lag problems for those who are not involved in the battle.

I wish they would remove PvP from the PvE servers."

I received a ton of replies. One brought me hope:

"Good news! Blizzard has announced that Battlegrounds will be in place for next patch and the following:

We're taking our first step towards a dishonor system upon the release of the next patch. Trivial civilian NPCs such as quest givers and vendors will now give dishonor points to players that prey upon them. We haven't decided upon a specific penalty but it will be enough that the majority of players will not wish to engage in combat with those NPCs. This combined with the fact that upon the release of Battlegrounds most players will not be targeting towns or unsuspecting adventurers nearly as often, should reduce the need to add too much more in the way of a penalty, or dishonor.

See the full Q & A here

About skinning/leatherworking => gives XP by killing animals, skill is easy to advance as many leave the corpses on the ground, so I know a few "grounds" where I can skin the remnants of others and kill myself. Even high armoured warriors like a boost with the +32 sets - am waiting here for lvl 40 as well, so I can put on my turtle armour - and see if there are higher boosts.

Stranglethorn is the absolute best place for this bar none.

I'm sorry if I sound really harsh but i really didn't have any luck in the parties i was for the 3 last days... and i'm in a (more or less) bad mood

some examples

-people who are systematically rolling dices for items they don't need and they knew you need

-people who invite you in a group without a word and won't say a word during all the (generally short) existence of the group.

-people who are agressiving dangerous mobs despite of the common sense then are very surprised and angry to die.

-and also people for whom the vocabulary is reduced to "hi" and ""lol".

As far as I can say this is not really related to how old they may be. I'm precising that.

Yes, this can be a problem. One remedy is a guild of people who really understand the game and are helpful and courteous to boot. I can recommend 2.
Both maintain websites which you should visit to get the flavor of the folks (As well as a lot of good WoW info). Both go back to the days of D1. To play with either group you need to become a member on their site. The amazon basin is a lot more formal and structured about it.

1. the amazon basin
They have a presence on Stormrage, PvE, alliance, high pop server. And on Tichondriou, horde, PvP, high pop server. They are huge with I think around 500 members on Stormrage. Personally I don't like these servers because of issues I experienced with queues to login at peak times, lag in the big cities, and stability.

2. the lurker lounge
This is a smaller group and not a guild per se. I play horde on Terenas with Lurkers. Small group, often only 2-4 on, but great people.
They are on some other servers as well--look at the WoW forums on their site and the servers they play will be under their avatars.

The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?
~Jeremy Bentham
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A feeling I felt compelled to express:

Once upon a time, I had a friend. A friend I care for, and who cared for me. A friend to discuss the world, and to share visions of other worlds. A friend to confide in and to trust with my inner self. A friend to seek advice from, because I knew I would get it � sensibly and sensitively. A friend who asked for advice, and while not always paying heed to it, always considered it conscientiously.

This friend plays the game, and the game transforms this friend.

My friend now is a character, a totally different entity, with a new world to explore, new skills to learn, pets which need tender loving care and an abundance of other characters in dire need of help. This is the brave, new world! Problems on the job? Not in this world. Listening to a friend�s mundane worries? Out of character in this world. A friend with other interests besides the game? With no time for THE game? What a loss! There are monsters to catch, and quests to solve � but it�s been sure nice talking to you, lad�

Friends are scarce, and losing one always hurts � a friend obsessively �Lost in Game� is heartbreaking and mind blasting. Because I know, in some distant future the game will end, and there will be a void; a void, that could be filled with a friend � once upon a time in the future.

A feeling I do not wish to discuss, though.

In times of crisis it is of the utmost importance not to lose your head (Marie Antoinette)
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Yes, such things suck, but I think the further you advance in this game, the less such people u meet (I mean in parties).
And everytime, except you party with old friends, you should really state clearly your priorities. Tell others what you expect from them and tell them what role you wanna take.

As for rolling I feel really <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/stupid.gif" alt="" /> . Can u just not roll and give up the item? I roll for everything and I just give (through trade menue) all those items I don't need to other players.
Hehe, I almost got broke now as I craft for free, I rezz for free, I give leather for free. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

The day before yesterday tried my first instance. I was lvl 20, and had 3 guys 20, 20, 21. You know that cave in Ashenvale. Ok, I know that average lvl for that insta is 24 or so but we managed to survive till turtle thingies. And that taking into account that party consisted of 2 druids, hunter and rogue. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> But that was hell of a fun.

I have one more question on profession. I understand that there are 2 kind of complementary professions - fishing and first aid. And you can add one of them to two profession you have. So, can I take fishing and still have skinning and leatherworking?

I have started troll rogue on PvP server. Thinking about profession for him, dont want to take skinning/leatherworking again. Pls. suggest what could be a good choise for a rogue.

Ohh, great, I didn't notice that there is the whole page written by you folks.

Kiya, I understand your frustration and I am sorry that you experience such inconveniences so to say. There are many many players there, all different. Just close your eyes'n ears if you see things/peeps you don't like <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

As for raid disease, I really don't catch that? Do you get offended by information people share on raids?

As for PvP, if I am not mistaken, when you are challenged to a duel you can accept or not. If not, then attacker can't really do anything to you.
BTW, Person who attacks other people fnally becomes [color:"red"] red [/color] and becomes attackable by anyone. I think this can teach good lesson to any attacker.

As for killing lowbies, hmm, I thought honour system already fixed that. If you kill grey ones you get dishonour. But it seems this is still under construction.

I am probably a lucky [nocando] and haven't been offended in any kind yet. But it is really difficult to do as I have 1.5 year experience in DaoC and themost valuable experience - I have seen how people play Lineage. And that was on hell of a massacre and dishonour, where high levels camped starting locations butchering newbies, kill stealing, camp stealing massive lvl 60 against 20- PK etc. I enjoy friendly atmosphere of WoW.

Fishing, I even more interested in fishing. Can u fish in a druid water form ? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/silly.gif" alt="" />

"Endure. In enduring, grow strong." -Githzerai adage.
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Can u just not roll and give up the item?

no. Some items and some very good items are linked when taken.

Yes, such things suck, but I think the further you advance in this game, the less such people u meet (I mean in parties).

I'm not so sure, Egin. As I said I'm on a server open on april (well 14 th i think). My main is an undead priest(ess) lvl 29 as i was playing a lot last week and near the higher levels on the server. There are just many often no real choice to group, even for a priest.

what i see is people who are RP leaving or playing really less and giving up good idea there had because it was not interesting a large amount of people.

I don't want to generalize this, but it is nethertheless what i was seeing.

I think it's bad because the universe has a great potential, indeed.

MG!!! The most infamous member these forums have ever got!
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I'm not so sure, Egin. As I said I'm on a server open on april (well 14 th i think). My main is an undead priest(ess) lvl 29 as i was playing a lot last week and near the higher levels on the server. There are just many often no real choice to group, even for a priest.

what i see is people who are RP leaving or playing really less and giving up good idea there had because it was not interesting a large amount of people.

Community is still young. Lets see what happends in some months. There will be community of players (especially high levels as not everyone can get there) who know each other well. Maybe Blizzard will even come out with servers for high lvl players, to bring them all together.

In DaoC we had wonderful community, and especially in our guild the atmosphere was as warm as it is here. Just imagine chatting and going out with good old friends <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

And MG, your level of tolerance should be higher than anyone else's.
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/silly.gif" alt="" /> You know that priests are often (veryvery wrongly) treated as guilty, regardless of situation.

"Endure. In enduring, grow strong." -Githzerai adage.
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old hand
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Community is still young. Lets see what happends in some months.

yep, you are probably right on that point. but also that it may be corrected in some months doesn't change the situation for now... Anyway it's not a vital matter either.

I don't mean that all is bad, though.

When she was lvl 9-10 my priestess met an orc warrior who needed bags and gave her the opportunity to ameliorate her skills in taylorship (? english name?) of 35 in 10 minutes, for free...
and there are gamers who know how to play and to play in group (even much more than me, which is not especially difficult), i don't deny it either.

as for tolerance... err well as it is well known i must be an heretic priest(ess) <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin1.gif" alt="" /> and anyway since when undeads are tolerant in Wow <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> ... don't forget our death is The Light! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/silly.gif" alt="" />

MG!!! The most infamous member these forums have ever got!
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@ Egin: [color:"orange"] Fishing, I even more interested in fishing. Can u fish in a druid water form ? [/color]
Very probably not - as the druid water form can only be taken within water, and for fishing you stand outside at the bank of the water, as you have to equip the fishing rod.

What you can do though in water form is collect underwater herbs - very convenient! (if you have the skill)

And you can take any or all of the three (!)ancillary skills (cooking, fishing, 1st aid) in addition to your two main professions.

In times of crisis it is of the utmost importance not to lose your head (Marie Antoinette)
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Great information thank you MG and Glance <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" /> . Yes, my troll now knows how to mine, engineer, fish and make bandages. I will teach him to cook too <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

And I willprobably add fishing/first aid/cooking to my druid also.

"Endure. In enduring, grow strong." -Githzerai adage.
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Do you know what is frustraiting if speaking about it, it's when your mouse batteries die in the middle of the fight. I purchased rechargeable batterries for my Logitech MX 700 like two weeks ago (previous batteries worked almost two years). And they are absolutely dead now.

Just imagina 1.40 am and me jumping across apartment collecting remote controls, radios, alarm clocks in search of two AA batteries <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Btw, have you tried WoW keyboard only?
It is possible <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Ohh and now I can proudly say that I have 1024 DDRAM <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> havent tested it in raides yet.

Please join my main character and we will have some fun together.
My address :

Level 24 elven druid
server : Hellscream

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It seems I am speaking to myself here.

Ok, quick question to you game gurus <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

How to re-spec talent tree?

I searched forums and only got that it costs some gold. And the amount probably depends upon your lvl and amount of talents already learned.
Some guys say its about 50g, and if you spend that much money respeccing then u will not be able to afford epic mount.

I am thinking about respecing my druid from feral into more caster/healer like.
Didn't think that can be a problem, and very much hope it isnt.

"Endure. In enduring, grow strong." -Githzerai adage.
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Total re-specing is mostly done for priests, which up to lvl 50 - 55 play easier as 'shadowpriest', and beyond that are better as prime healers. At that level it takes about 50 gold.

At your level, it will be less, as you do not have to 'forget' everything of your feral form (the cat form is useful for its stealth ability at least, even if you do not combat with it)

It is done with your class trainer

In times of crisis it is of the utmost importance not to lose your head (Marie Antoinette)
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Yeah, as you say about priests the same is true about my druid. As feral forms become less and less effective as I go up in lvls, because of dmg output and poor armor, I will have to turn restoration only or restoration / ballance druid. This means I become mostly healer and druids are really very good in that.

And if I decide to respec then logically it is cheaper to that now rather than wait till I get to 50 or so. Yesterday I dinged lvl 27 <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

As for now, I feel quite happy with my feral mostly build, but I survise thanks to ability to heal myself. For example, being lvl 26 I soloed lvl 29 undead mage yesterday (mob, not player).

"Endure. In enduring, grow strong." -Githzerai adage.
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Take restoration/balance (my druid now is lvl 38) - you do need some damage output, and weapon alone will not be adequate. I only use the stealth ability of the cat form, and the waterform - and the travel form, of course (at level 30, +40% speed!)

Don't underestimate the 'omen of clarity' spell. Weapon use will trigger a mana free casting for 12 seconds (the slower the weapon, the more often it activates) - so once its activated, you can cast a costly damage or healing spell without mana loss.

In times of crisis it is of the utmost importance not to lose your head (Marie Antoinette)
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I have almost chosen, one thing that still keeps me from respec:

1 choice - going balance till Omen of Clarity (11 talent points) and then taking full balance.

With such spec I will get to inervate at lvl 51 spending 42 talent points in total.

2 choice - going full restoration, then I can get enervation at lvl 40.

Glance, what will you suggest? I am lvl 28 <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

"Endure. In enduring, grow strong." -Githzerai adage.
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Sorry Egin - but what is 'enervation!? I mean, what do YOU mean by it, because what it means to me, is most probably not what you mean.

In times of crisis it is of the utmost importance not to lose your head (Marie Antoinette)
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Sorry, it's Innervate - the highest talent in restoration.

PS Du you use any UI / mods? If yes, can you recommend any?

"Endure. In enduring, grow strong." -Githzerai adage.
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PS Du you use any UI / mods? If yes, can you recommend any?

Last edited by Cleglaw; 11/05/05 01:35 PM.

The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?
~Jeremy Bentham
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Thanks Cleg.

"Endure. In enduring, grow strong." -Githzerai adage.
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Yesterday I purchased from AH one cooking recipe - Savory Deviate Delight. Spent just 3 gold. I feel absolutely happy <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I am planning to start muling alt. Which race's starting location is the closest to Iron Forge? I know that elves start very far.

As for UIs, I haven't decided on any yet. Too many to choose from, and I still affraid to screw something up.

Yesterday tried to create two macros, one for heals and one for let others know I am oom. None worksm I am such a nOOb <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/stupid.gif" alt="" />

Btw, why everyone is so quiet here?

"Endure. In enduring, grow strong." -Githzerai adage.
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