[color:"orange"] @ Stone: Doesn't whein mean wine??? [/color]

No, "Weih" (correct spelling) <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> and "nachten".
"nachten" is easy, means Night. Normaly "Nacht", but in a older term in german Language "Nachten"

We say "Gute Nacht" = "Good Night"
Or "diese Nacht" = "this Night"

And we say "in der Nacht" = "in the Night", but we can say also "nächtens" means the same.

"Weih" is in Words like

"Weihwasser" = "Holy Water"
"Weihrauch" = "frankincense" (hope this is correct)
"Weihen" = "to consecrate"

Together "Weihnachten" = Christmas.

Or in the correct Translation of the meaning "Holy Night".
The Night Christ was born.
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/xmassmiley.gif" alt="" />

Das Ganze ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile(Aristoteles)
Aber wenn man das einzelne nicht mehr beachtet, hat das ganze keinen Sinn mehr (Stone)