I never said i can explain anything.... something i dont want to understand....

I grew up christian, but i cant call myself that anymore... christians are reputed to be very narrow minded (its like THAT, and no argument allowed)... i cant be narrow minded, i tried and failed miserably... so my religion has expanded to include much more than just the bible (make no mistake, the bible is still a foundation in my life), but i cannot exclude the koran, i cant exclude budist teachings, there are loads of religions i cannot exclude in my life. (i cant become a budist EVER though... the food is just EEEEEWWWWWWWW)

I believe that in essence, most religions(of good nature - not talking evil here) have the same basic core. Men then went and added rules to the religion according to their point of view.... and its those rules that i cant accept.

In essence, i follow good, i believe in a higher power of the same good nature. I believe he HAS the power to make everything better. I also accept that there is evil, but i do not follow it. I take the good from every religion and accept it, but i deny the rules any value in my life.

I think there are a lot more people that feel the way i do.... christian rules are just too narrow minded, they restrict too much and dont allow for anybody to THINK and make up his/her own mind.... its black and white, between 2 lines.... most my life i dont live between those lines, how can i keep to rules designed for a life i dont have????

But as to my previous post, i do believe that god has the power we allow it to have in our lives. Other religions teach this, i dont think there is a difference in truth. You dont need to be a christian to have God in your heart... You only need to walk the right path.

I loved the phrase out of matrix (IIRC) "THere is a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path." Most religions KNOW the path, it doesnt mean they walk it...

Your existence alone, is excuse enough for the creation of the entire universe… Il you my darling Jeanne-Dré 