Well everybody has seen my opinion and religious beliefs.... I will never condem any other religion, nor the lack of it. I think that everybody somehow believes in the essence of good and evil... most religions have given these 2 a name.

I do not question the higher beings in times of suffering, neither do i see it as a test they put before me (like a lot of religions do), suffering is part of life.... i dont blame anybody for it... but its nice to have a higher being to ask for assistance in getting through the hard times... (even if its just equal to a child having an imaginary friend, that friend will "help" the child through tough tasks - even if its just emotionally in the "knowledge" that he is not alone)

I cant imagine not having my "imaginary friend", my helper in need....

understood. i'm sorry if i took your words out of context.

under normal circumstances, i would bombard this thread with posts but ... still in a lot of pain right now. maybe later.

......a gift from LaFille......