Love= chemistry.

When you see someone you love, a substance (don't know the name, but it's simillar to amphetamine) is released in your brain. That is what you feel. BUT! This substance will only be effective for 1,5 to four years! So, you can only be in love (in Sweden we have two words, where one is love and the other is being in love) with a person for four years (max). BUT AGAIN! Another substance will in time start to be released (this one is similar to morfin), so in time you can start to love the person. But you're not in love with him any longer. If you whant that you'l have to find a new partner.

So really, all you loving persons, you're all a bunch of JUNKIES!!! ( <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/silly.gif" alt="" />)

But on the other hand, who cares anywhay?

Jag såg dig komma på en strand, (I saw you comeing over a beach)
jag såg dig sträcka ut din hand. (I saw you reach out your hand)
Du tog mig i din famn (you took me in your arms)
och plågorna försvann. (and the pain disappearred)
Vad bryr jag mig om varför det är så (what do I care about why it's like that?)


Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce