Life is like a game of diplomacy (i think the chinese have a similar game called "go" IIRC). You fight your various battles , make your alies, break your alies, tell the truth, tell lies, support people, backstab people, build trust, break trust.... you do all these things DAILY for personal gain.....

Now i need you to re-define the rules of this game, because love puts me above all this, love changes the personal gain into shared gain, love changes demands into compromises, love changes ME, into US.

Changing your way of life, doesnt just mean the things that you do... it means changing the way that you think. It means re-defining your OWN rules, the rules that you make for yourself and keep to, even when no one will know when you break them. It means setting a level of honor for yourself, a code of conduct that you keep yourself to... It means a level of truth far higher than what can be proven... IT means re-defining yourself.

How many of us have re-defined ourselves for the ones we love? Or are we just keeping to the new rules as far as others can see....

(Note: Diplomacy is a game of "conquering the world" you have various aspects in each coutry you rule... finances, diplomacy, military, economy, industry, technology etc.... the goal is to take over the other countries, but while you may be winning in one front (e.g military) you may be losing at another (economy)... so its a much more advanced game, than merely having enough gold and troops. The chinese version is even MORE advanced and can take years to master the game)

Your existence alone, is excuse enough for the creation of the entire universe… Il you my darling Jeanne-Dré 