but i have the feeling that he just never in his life had a lot of affection in his youth.... so maybe its just normal for him to not give hugs and kisses...

@ Lady Rain
That is BS! My mother never gavez me hugs and kisses. She never went to the doctor with me when I was in pain, because "when you're not half-dead you're not sick", I never saw her kissing or hugging my dad or anyone else for that mather. A few years ago, when I came back from my work (I was away for a few day for training) I thought she could use a big hug and when I did she stood there with a look on her face like "what the hell is she doing??". My mother had frozen up! Or maybe she's just emty inside. But I need my hugs and to give my hugs to my hubby and my son.
I like to be kissed and hugged. My childhood has nothing to do with it. So I think your hubby needs to relax a little and warm up. One of these days, you are gone with another man because this one is prepared to give you the love you need so much. He should really watch out, because there is plenty more fish in the sea!! If you catch my drift...