Oh, i demand them... no matter how much fuss i get about it <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />

In anycase, i have a fox-terrorist that is always willing to stand in for any amounts of hugs and kisses <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> (she is currently playing hot-water-bottle on my lap and making sure that i KNOW of all my bruises and scrape marks - i slipped and fell in mud when we got home tonight)

But other than that at least i can say one thing.... I have never been abused in any way (emotionally or physically), and he has always been very protective over me (not over protective though.... the moment i say enough... it stops instantly)..... which is more than a lot of women can say in south africa.... men here are very prone to get agressive.


I want to be the moonlight in your darkness, i want you to be the sun in my garden.

When you feel sick, i want to be the medicine that makes you better, the soft pillow on your bed, the flowers on the night stand.

When you seek happiness i will be your map, even if the road doesnt lead to me, it will lead to your smile, and therefor to my smile. Wehn i seek happiness i need you to be my lantern, to either show me the way, or to shine your light on my map.

(my personal thoughts on the last phrase.... If someone seeks happiness, it wont help to try and point the person towards yourself.... That wont lead to the other person's happiness..... BUT if you let the person find their own happiness, while you follow to offer support (light), you will be there when the person finds it.... and your chances of being the foundation of your partner's happiness is almost assured <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> I find this saying better than the one about the bird that flies away, and if it comes back it is yours, if it doesnt, it never was.... If you let someone fly away, you withdraw all contact/ support from that person.... that is not what is needed. By withdrawing from that person, may lead to a higher chance of the person coming back, but that may only be bacause they "need" your support, or because they couldnt find any other support in time. IF you are there, supporting them all the time, yet not being a hinderance to them, they will truely reach their happiness. Chances are that they will find that you are actually the foundation of happiness, they will find that they have all the needed support in you, that you only have their best interest at heart. If you were not their true happiness, at least you were there when they found it, and that will make you a lifetime friend. Sometimes friends are more valued than lovers. )

Your existence alone, is excuse enough for the creation of the entire universe… Il you my darling Jeanne-Dré 