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Shyon #282546 04/01/05 09:55 AM
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@ Mea
Yes I love you too <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kissyou.gif" alt="" />

I think that what love has become in our days is just a question of domination... Things have become so complicated that we have forgotten the point of loving someone. IMHO love is a simple thing. Either you love someone or you don't. No thinking, no changing. Just acceptance. Simple but yet so hard. The day I will find someone that will love me totaly for what and who I am, I think it will be the day I die.

*Luc... in a very bad mood today*

You can have my absence of faith
you can have my everything...

LUCRETIA #282547 05/01/05 07:42 PM
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Well I love you for what you are (NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! dont go dying on me willya <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> )
I just love dancing girls in little pink dresses with lotsa black nails and Tattoo's, red hair and blue eyes with pale skin and not too forget those black boots <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kissyou.gif" alt="" />

Mea Culpa's Demesne Note; artwork for Avatar courtesy of NWN and CEP Old Elven Saying: "Never say Never if you're gonna live forever!!!" "I didn't do it, it wasn't my fault"
MeaCulpa #282548 05/01/05 07:49 PM
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Well I will try to find someone for you. With BLUE eyes. Because mine are brown Mea. I have something Greek on me after all.
(...) But I still love you. Thnx for giving a try. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

You can have my absence of faith
you can have my everything...

LUCRETIA #282549 05/01/05 09:11 PM
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I think of all the people i consider to be friends..... i can only count 2 in real life.... all the rest are friends i only have contact with via internet (3 i knew in real life, but they emigrated) and the rest are all HERE!!!!!!

SO to all of my friends here..... here is a little prayer just for you guys (and interestingly enough, i dont mean this funny)

[color:"orange"]Every evening
As I'm laying here in bed
This tiny little prayer
Keeps running thru my head

God bless my mom and dad
And bless my little pup
And look out for my brother
When things aren't looking up

And God, there's one more thing
I wish that you could do
Hope ya don't mind me asking
But please bless my 'puter too??

Now I know that's not normal
To bless a motherboard
But just listen a second
While I explain to you, my Lord

You see, that little metal box
Holds more than odds & ends
Inside those small compartments
Rest hundreds of my 'BEST FRIENDS'

Some it's true I've never seen
And most I've never met
We've never exchanged hugs
Or shared a meal as yet....

I know for sure they like me
By the kindness that they give
And this little scrap of metal
Is how I travel to where they live

By faith is how I know them
Much the same as you
I share in what life brings them
From that our friendship grew

"PLEASE" take an extra minute
From your duties up above
To bless this scrap of metal
That's filled with so much love! [/color]

Your existence alone, is excuse enough for the creation of the entire universe… Il you my darling Jeanne-Dré 
Lady_Rain #282550 06/01/05 12:23 AM
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@ Lady rain
Nice way of putting it, yes I believe a computer must be blessed because I have met more people with that piece of crap than in real life. But still a friendly human touch or a smile can do miracles for me...
[Linked Image]

Lady_Rain #282551 06/01/05 04:24 AM
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Thanks Lady_rain for the pray, about the people around me what i can consider friend, well i think i have one, but has 5 years i never saw this friend again, so actually no one is my friend. Except for the people here of the forum.
I believe i have no one, cause my life right now is running fast a lot with all my studies and projects and work.

It's an interesting pray - look like that it show the real feelings of the writer. I like of things what are espontaneously(correct spell?).

Who's gonna show you how to fly!
Shyon #282552 06/01/05 07:45 AM
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you better Recognize........ [Linked Image]...

the 'puter! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/silly.gif" alt="" />

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #282553 06/01/05 08:45 AM
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I think computers are taking over most of our lives.... it runs our lives, our finances (my bank has NEVER seen me, not even once), our friends and our work....

I must admit, if something happens to my computers.... i will spend more than 5 minutes crying.

And i think that i am blessed to have so many friends online... i also think that of all the forums i have belonged to (or still do), this one has the best collection of "REAL" people.... not those who are just there for the "image" or just there to sound important....etc (what ever false reasons they have), this forum has people who just WANT to be here....

You guys make this forum fun to chat in, a joy to look forward to, and a smile to experience <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Your existence alone, is excuse enough for the creation of the entire universe… Il you my darling Jeanne-Dré 
Lady_Rain #282554 07/01/05 09:26 AM
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geez, feeling left out here. everyone, i love u too! thanks for the prayer, thanks for the advice, thanks for the encouragement, thanks for the beautiful thoughts, thanks for the warm wishes, thanks for friendship & thanks for love.

anymore than that, i would've have to buy me tickets to send myself to u just to deliver a hug. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kissyou.gif" alt="" />

Luc, hope u're better now.

[Linked Image from]
......a gift from LaFille......
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We celebrated christmas, we made our new year wishes ... We joke, we live on.
We're very fortunate.

I want to warn young(er) forummembers and people who love children... I want to warn everbody seriously that the images are shokking!!!

My big wish is to have to never see things like this again.

~Setharmon~ >>[halfelven]<<
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I agree with you... its images we dont want to see....

What i want is the truth, the WHOLE truth, and no secrets like not letting the public know what goes into armour piercing ammunision...

I want the world to know the truth, stark as it may be, because only then, can we take down the lies....

Its beyond scary.....

Your existence alone, is excuse enough for the creation of the entire universe… Il you my darling Jeanne-Dré 
Jurak #282557 12/01/05 06:11 AM
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you better Recognize........ [Linked Image]...

the 'puter! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/silly.gif" alt="" />

respect me authoriti'!

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My big wish is to have to never see things like this again.

Well, you cn't look and still, you do look. If this is our future, than I no longer want to be a part of this world!
[color:"fuchsia"]Make love! Not war!! [/color]

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It's only our future for next 4.5 billion years... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/exclamation.gif" alt="" />

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" />

~Setharmon~ >>[halfelven]<<
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Per janggut's suggestion in a post I am posting this here.

Another great way for guys to meet up with girls is for the guy to buy, read, and practically memorize a Palmistry (Palm Reading) book.

You can offer to read a girls palm and if she says it's okay
One: It'll allow you to hold her hand.
Two: It'll add a bit of mystery.
Three: It'll allow you to be closer to her, so when you look up to tell her what you are reading, your and her face will be very close, and it allows great eye contact.

Now I'm not saying this to be slimy.
This is only another possible Icebreaker for a guy to use.
I remember what it was like when I first started out in the dating scene.
I was very shy back then.
This was one tactic I used to get and edge over other guys.


Oloth zhah tuth abbil lueth ogglin
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Ube, take note! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Tsel, any help is appreciated. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" />

[Linked Image from]
......a gift from LaFille......
janggut #282562 19/09/05 10:41 AM
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There is no greater happiness than to feel that your precence increases other well being.

Charlotte Brontë

Yesterday I did some thinking (yes, I can acually think! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />). I was thinking about a task in school, for estethic class, which for me means music. Once this year I'll have to bring a music piece (meaning a song) which I like and play it for the class, and then I'll have to explain why I like it. Interesting enought. Well I thought a little about what song to choose and a little about why. After some turns I got into Ugly (it's in that post, the lyrics). And then I thought of what to say, why I choose that song. And the most important thing about ugly is the lyrics. Theose wonderfull lyrics who really describe what it's like to be whorse then everyone else and how hopeless it makes you feel.

Well, when I grew up, I was never really looked on as likeable. I was far from the most popullar kid in school (and onje difference between a child and a grown up is that a child lets you know if he doesn't like you). I played in a football team at this time, because everyone did. Espessially my best friend. I didn't care much for football myself, I acually found it boring. And I wasn't good at it. My lack of interest and lack of talent soon made me really unpopullar there (too). And the coaches couldn't kick me out, but at the same time, it's bad style to just let go of me and tell me I wasn't suited for football, couldn't I just quit? No, they couldn't do that. But they couldn't let me play either, so I only participated in trainings. And once in a while a game (late second half when we had a comfortable lead. I got to play as forward). At one point my trainer sat down with me to have a chat, and try to explain to me (and at the same time justify his own actions) why he couln't let me play. Couldn't I just understand that I wasn't as good as everyone else? If I prehaps did some training on my own in my free time, prehaps I could develop and get more playing time, but as it was, it was just not possible. Another time I got sent out from a training because makeing push-ups made me dizzy (which I was foolish enough to point it out). To note is that we didn't have our usuall trainer, we had anouther guy (I think he was like responsible for marketing and economy in the club). It was the whorst moment in my entire life.
But I wasn't that popullar in other parts of my life either (even though I wasn't openly despiced as in my footballteam). I think I was kind of accepted in mid grade and upper grade. In upper grade I even had friends (had like two friends earlier. Both from the same geographical area). Four mainlly, but later some more. But mostlly the first four. Two of them where like great pepole, interligent, responsible, friendlly, independent, they had high morals. I really admired them, they where basiclly what I allways wanted to be. And they liked me, I think. Not extremelly much, but they liked me, accepted me. I used to hang out with them in my spare time, one of those two I mentioned lived in this estate (not a grand one, only large) in the countryside, with a huge grounds filled with apple trees and bushes. Great for playing in (which we still did in this age), and the estate was allso big (we played here too). And he had several computers and some good parlour games too. Spending time there was great, most of all because you did things with others. But I'm starting to doubt whenever they really liked me or not, if they only let me come along because not letting me was bad style. Anyway, after we finished upper grade I havn't heard from any of them (but one, which I spoke with on the bus twice. Both if the first few months after ther Gymnasium started again). After than I had no friends. In my new class I there wasn't someone on my wavelenght, and everything I said was stupid or misunderstood. No one there really like me, my precense if for my classmates indifferent. For one year I basiclly walked around and felt I was nothing, not needed in any way by anybody. Believe me, there is nothing so saddening as to everyday feel that whatever you do, nobody will care, and it won't contribue to anything. And trying to change this... Everything I said was generally seen at with lack of understanding, and was generally looked over. After w ahile I felt like reaching out was like trying to get into a house with no door. Everything you could do was to throw yourself against whe wall. After a while you stopped trying, because all you got out of it was the pain from hitting the wall. And all you could do was feel sad and angry because you didn't understand how everybody else managed to get in, and why everybody but you knew how to get in. And feel sad because you were left out of the happiness you could see throught the windows of that house you couldn't get into. And it's with that attitude I found this place.

And you acually helpedme in feeling better. Thank you for that.


Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce
Ubereil #282563 19/09/05 06:48 PM
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@ Übereill
Well, when I grew up, I was never really looked on as likeable. I was far from the most popullar kid in school (and onje difference between a child and a grown up is that a child lets you know if he doesn't like you). I played in a football team...

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" />
You moved me, Übs, nice of you to open up like that. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hug.gif" alt="" />
And believe me, more members here felt like you did when we were younger. Including me... But there is one consulation, the older you get, the more you will be appreciated for the person that you are and not for the way you look or how strong you are. The inner person is what will count at the end.

Ubereil #282564 19/09/05 08:38 PM
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Ubs, you are much better than you think....

Do you think that any of the great people in the world had lots of "friends"???? Look at the biography's of ANY person who really changed the world as he knew it... they were the aparent "loners" the ones who were never accepted by the general crowd. It goes as far back as noah.

You do what you do best, you be the person who you are. If people dont have the intelligence to understand you, and iam not talking IQ... blerry hell a PARROT has an IQ ... I am talking about the ability to understand a person. I am talking about the (aparently lost in our day and age) ability to have true empathy.. not the false stuff people show today. If they cant understand you, its THEIR flaw. and their loss

We have come to know you as a witty, spontanious and true friend.... not some average say what everyyone wants to hear human. You are REAL, and still have that inner honoustly that soo few people have...

This forum benefits from your presence... you are part of the FUN here, part of the friendship and auro of acceptance... you see, things work like this.... the reason why you never feel that other people (people around you in real life, not interent)accepts you, is closely linked with the feeling that you see through their fake lives, and you cant accept that... therefore you can also not accept their "acceptance" of you in your heart... I also have that all the time. I cant accept people living their lives behind masks...

I think we are all lucky on this forum... most of us here has dropped our masks... we show people on this forum the true US. Not that we dont CARE what others think... we ca feel the auro of unmasked true people. and that gives us a feeling of peace and acceptance.... And yea, this is a very very unique forum... nowhere else have i seen so many people living their lives unmasked on a single forum....

Welcome to the real world

And feel sad because you were left out of the happiness you could see throught the windows of that house you couldn't get into.

You could never get in, because you are afraid of it... not afraid of the happiness.... you see the people being "happy" in the house, but you also see their reflections in the mirror... the mirror that doesnt show the masks, and you see the sadness and the horror.

Your existence alone, is excuse enough for the creation of the entire universe… Il you my darling Jeanne-Dré 
Ubereil #282565 20/09/05 09:22 AM
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I played in a football team at this time, because everyone did. Espessially my best friend. I didn't care much for football myself, I acually found it boring.

First mistake : Don't do things vbecause everyone else does it. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> Just be your self. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

As long as you begin comparing yourself with others, you'll lose. You've got no reason to compare, you're an Individual.

And feel sad because you were left out of the happiness you could see throught the windows of that house you couldn't get into. And it's with that attitude I found this place.

Have I already told the story of the Premiere of Star Wars Episode I ? When I had "bought" a ticket another personhad *never* actually bought, but at THAT evening this person dropped out of nowhgere and re-claimed the ticket ? When I was outside the building while everyone was enjoying the movie I had been waiting 16 years for ?

In the last weeks I met someone very special to me, and she opened my eyes. She called it a "martyr effect". You give too much to others, actually so much that there is not much left of your self anymore. That's why you feel sad.

Your sadness, inferiority feelings and maybe lack of self-confidence are just illusions created to hold you down. Maybe someone created them, maybe you did it yourself, I don't know. But in fact, as long as you cling on to them, hold on to them, they will keep you down, down on the floor, hindering you to stand up and develop your very own full potential of living.

So stop giving too much that there is in the end nothing left of your self anymore. Instead, try taking what you need. Because you need it. You have the right to be in need of things like anyone else.

Übereil, read this text by Lady Rain, and meditate or think about it (or both). It has a *lot* of truth in itself.

That's it for now.


When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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