want some of that luxury they call time!!!!!
quick schedule (of the average day)
7:30 wake up, shower get ready, make sure husband is fed and well, etc
etc etc
8:30 leave the house, and HOPE you can get to the office in peak hour
traffic in 30 mites.
9:00 grab a cuppa java in the rush to get to the first meeting (with
BIG bosses)
9:30 now that i am thoroughly crapped out etc etc etc, start the 2nd
meeting to motivate sales staff - this is normally with LOUD music,
lots of cheering and clapping and a headache to follow
10:30 Make sure everyone got the propper amount of leads needed, and
hand out appointments
11:00 everyone out of the office, phone clients to confirm delivery
times, sort out problems etc... (with boss breathing down your neck )
11:30 Appointments with clients every 2 hours.... till 9:30 pm, after
which you rush home and drop dead in bed..... (average appointment duration is 1:30 and requires more brainpower in overcoming objections, finding solutions to THEIR needs (with your own products naturally) and loads of negotiating
i didnt see lunch or breakfast times there...

Getting on the net, either very late in the evenings (in a braindead stage), or 3 minutes here and 2 minutes there between meetings while sorting through appointments.

Your existence alone, is excuse enough for the creation of the entire universe… Il you my darling Jeanne-Dré 